For effective emergency weight loss, a drinking diet is recommended. For 10 days with its help you can lose weight by 10-12 kilograms. Doctors fully justify this method of getting rid of excess weight and prescribe this diet to obese people. The secret lies in the daily use of water without gas, the calorie content of which is zero, and eating in a porridge-like consistency is digested and absorbed by the body much faster.
History of appearance ↑
This diet appeared thanks to medicine. Before elective surgical operations (especially on the gastrointestinal tract), patients switched to liquid food. This contributed to the cleansing of the intestines, facilitated the operation, and reduced the risk of postoperative complications. After the operation, doctors recommended continuing to eat liquid meals in order to normalize metabolic processes. Then it was noticed that the use of only liquid food contributes to weight loss. This prompted the use of this type of food for weight loss.
What is the point?
The program is a composition of alternating mono-diet days, i.e. a similar group of products is offered for each day: vegetables, protein, fruits, liquid food.
On a note! A number of studies confirm that a mono-diet lasting 24 hours provides the maximum effect of losing weight and speeding up metabolism. But long-term monotonous programs on one product, on the contrary, slow down metabolic processes.
The seven-day diet Beloved provokes the body to switch daily to a new mode of food processing, thereby increasing its energy consumption. However, the secret of the technique lies not only in a certain alternation of food. Food volumes are limited, so the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1300 kcal. As a result, a shortage of energy units is created. To compensate for this shortage, the body begins to spend its strategic reserve - fats.
The classic version is designed for 7 days, but there is also a more strict version with the same duration, as well as the Favorite diet for 14 days.
The drinking diet is shown only to absolutely healthy people. You can follow this diet for more than 3 days only after consulting a specialist.
It is forbidden to keep this diet if you are: pregnant, breastfeeding, have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, heart disease, chronic diseases, you have problems with the immune and endocrine system, mental disorders. You can not keep this diet if you are under 21 and over 50 years old. And also you can’t keep this diet if you have a weakened body, cystitis, frequent pressure surges, cardiovascular insufficiency and varicose veins.
And there is also a risk of various diseases such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, liver, immune system, mental sphere, endocrine system, the appearance of gastritis, deterioration of the skin, anemia.
Preparing for a Diet
A favorite diet, despite its effectiveness, is a huge stress for the body. In conditions of deficiency of essential trace elements, he rapidly begins to lose weight. However, along with excess weight, you can say goodbye to health. To prevent this from happening, prepare well for food restrictions:
- Consult your doctor. If you suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to refuse any experiments in nutrition. Kidney disease is also a serious obstacle to following the Favorite Diet. A complete list of contraindications can be found below.
- Gradually increase the amount of drinking water consumed per day. The Favorite Diet menu includes several drinking days. To prevent such days from becoming an insurmountable test for your kidneys, try to prepare them for at least a couple of weeks.
- The amount of food consumed per day, on the contrary, will have to be gradually reduced. You can not drastically change the diet - this can provoke problems with the intestines. For starters, try to give up at least a few of the most harmful food habits: for example, fast food and night snacks.
- Tune in psychologically. A positive attitude is one of the main components of success. In no case do not perceive the diet as a forced restriction that needs to be experienced. So you can not only reduce its effectiveness, but also get a serious nervous breakdown. Any change in diet should be a pleasure. Therefore, immediately tune in to a positive mood and think only about the good.
Diet contraindications:
- Pregnancy;
- Hypertension;
- Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
- Childhood or adolescence;
- Depression;
- Renal and heart failure.
Pros of the diet
With all the cons and contraindications, this diet has a lot of pluses. First, you avoid all sorts of lengthy cooking: most diet drinks can be bought at the supermarket, or prepared in half an hour. Secondly, on this diet you are guaranteed to lose kilograms. In one unloading day, you can lose 0.5-2 kilograms, in three days - 3-5 kilograms. For 7 days of the diet - from 5-7 kilograms, and for 14 days - up to 10 kilograms. The maximum result can be achieved in 30 days of such a diet: you will get rid of 15-18 extra pounds. But we do not recommend this option, because with rapid extreme weight loss you will get sagging skin, digestive problems, mental and heart problems. Thirdly, by sitting on a drinking diet, you can save very well: for example, 1.5 liters of kefir costs no more than 150 rubles,
Menu for 14 days
Many people who lose weight are so addicted to dieting that they "go to the second round." The menu of the second part completely repeats the diet of the first. For a 14-day program, the traditional option is more suitable than the original approach with wine days.
However, for a separate category of losing weight ladies, the proposed menu seemed too soft, and therefore a new version of the Favorite diet for 10 days appeared. The menu is simple:
- From the first to the third day inclusive, the daily diet consists of 1.5 liters of low-fat fermented milk drink and water.
- 4-6 days apple.
- Days 7-9: Chicken breast only.
- 10 day cheese and wine.
Some people are so fond of cheese and wine day that they continue to follow such a menu for several more days, which is why the diet is stretched for 14 days.
Important! However, it should be understood that a protracted option with such a limited menu is fraught with detrimental consequences for the body. There may be a deterioration in well-being, headaches associated with a lack of carbohydrates. A series of protein days can negatively affect mental performance and lead to a state of ketosis.
Basic Rules↑
- Mandatory preparation. Check the condition of the whole organism, realize all the risks. Do not start a diet during stressful periods (moving, changing jobs, marriage, divorce). A week before the diet, it is advisable to start gradually reducing the calorie content of the diet, replacing the last meal with liquid (broth, kefir, tea).
- Regular intake of liquid food five times a day. The last dose is two hours before bedtime.
- Be sure to get enough sleep! Lack of sleep is bad for metabolism, causes stress and increases the risk of dieting.
- During the diet, be sure to consume vitamins and water - at least 1.5 liters per day.
- Do not leave the drinking diet abruptly: for at least one week you should limit the calorie intake. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.
- Limit intense physical activity, yoga, swimming, stretching are acceptable.
- Be sure to moisturize the skin: do wraps, take baths, go to the bathhouse, apply creams and oils daily. You can combine this type of diet with a massage course. If you do not moisturize and carefully care for your skin, you will end up with sagging, ugly skin, because this is extreme weight loss!
- If your work is related to mental work, then get ready for the fact that during a drinking diet your thinking will be inhibited, your memory will be impaired, and your concentration will be reduced. This is due to the fact that your brain will not receive important elements for quality work. Therefore, apply a drinking diet on weekends or holidays.
What is a drinking diet
This is an effective method of losing weight, developed on the principle: drink everything, but eat nothing. The concept of "drinking diet for weight loss" is not tantamount to such weight loss systems as a water diet, fasting days on fluids or therapeutic fasting. This technique, unlike the above, does not exclude the consumption of any food, it excludes only the use of the chewing reflex. This means that all permitted food must be liquid, even watery.
With the help of sparse food, our body gets used to being satiated sooner, gets rid of the habit of seizing emotional hunger, due to which there is a quick and effective dropping of extra pounds. The main component of all dishes according to the liquid method is water in large quantities. Together with other permitted provisions, it dulls the feeling of hunger well and is absolutely calorie-free.
How to properly observe
The liquid method of losing weight is rightfully called one of the most effective, but it does not prohibit the intake of substances vital for the human body from food - it does not exclude proteins, fats, or carbohydrates from the diet, it simply involves converting them into a liquid consistency. Not all foods can be turned into a liquid or puree (for example, meat), so it’s worth stocking up on a complex of pharmacy vitamins and refreshing your strength with fresh vitamin dishes daily.
Although adherents of this method of losing weight present the liquid method as the best for weight loss, its pros and cons are on the scales in an equal position. The undeniable advantages of the system include:
- complete cleansing of the body from food debris at the cellular level;
- acceleration of metabolism by improving the work of the digestive tract;
- constriction of the stomach and saturation with a minimum amount of food;
- rapid elimination of excess weight.
Those who lose weight by this method always experience its shortcomings:
- it is very difficult psychologically to overcome the natural chewing reflex;
- in the early stages, you constantly have to endure an exhausting obsessive appetite;
- frequent companions of the methodology at the very beginning are constant fatigue, apathy, a feeling of dissatisfaction;
- refusal of rough food and the habit of chewing is a strong stress for the body, which not everyone who wants to lose weight can cope with.
Exit from the drinking diet ↑
Drinking a diet is a serious burden on the body. The main danger is a return to the previous weight. To ensure that the lost weight does not return after the completion of the weight loss process, it is important to take the process of leaving the drinking diet seriously.
With a long drinking diet (for more than 7 days), a sharp return to the previous type of food can lead to such troubles as intestinal volvulus! Therefore, return to your usual food gradually. For example, on the first day after completing the diet, have fruit puree for breakfast, eat vegetable cream soup with meat broth for lunch, and choose milk porridge for dinner. To consolidate the result, you must strictly follow proper nutrition (refusal of flour, sweet, fatty) for at least a week.
Advantages and disadvantages
Judging by the numerous reviews of those who are losing weight and who have lost weight, the advantages of the Favorite multi-diet include:
- Speed - the effect of the diet does not need to wait for many days, it is visible immediately: excess weight disappears before our eyes, waist and hips decrease.
- Simplicity and availability - all dishes are prepared easily, the products for them are inexpensive.
- A variety of menus - those who have used mono-diets know how difficult it is not to break the diet when the daily menu contains dishes from a single ingredient, and even more so if it is unloved. Here, the products change every day, so it is relatively easy to transfer the diet.
- Due to the restriction of the diet, the stomach gets used to small portions of food, its volume decreases, which will help to maintain the results achieved in the future.
- A multi-diet promotes active cleansing of the body, as a result of which the condition of the skin and hair improves.
Like all weight loss programs, the Favorite diet is not without its drawbacks:
- The body, constantly moving from one mono-product to another, is subjected to quite significant loads, so you should not combine this strict multi-diet with heavy physical exertion - on some days a person may experience weakness and apathy.
- Since intestinal motility and the urinary system begin to work in an enhanced mode, it is better to use the diet during a period when long journeys or constant absences from home or office are not expected.
Types of diet
Short-term drinking diets (1-3 days) are safe and recommended by nutritionists for anyone looking to adjust their weight. Long-term types of this diet (7-30 days) are considered hazardous to health. There are the following diet options:
- Fasting days Fasting days are useful to arrange once a week (per month). They will help cleanse the body, and holding them on a regular basis will lead to weight loss. If in one fasting day you can lose 0.5-2 kilograms, then in four fasting days a month you can lose 2-8 kilograms, of course, provided that on the rest of the days you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
- Kefir diet A traditional and very popular three-day diet that many celebrities resort to when they need to quickly get in shape. The recipe is very simple: drink 1.5 liters of low-fat yogurt for 3 days.
- Tea diet This is a three-day diet, during which only green tea without sugar is allowed. Honey can be used instead of sugar. Tea should be drunk 5 times a day in a hot or warm form. For 3 days you can throw off 2-3 kilograms.
- Bouillon diet This diet is kept from 3 to 7 days. During such a diet, you can only drink broth, without various additives. In 7 days, you can lose up to 8 kilograms.
- Cocoa diet Diet for sweet tooth lasting from 3 to 7 days. Allowed to drink: cocoa in milk or hot chocolate. All drinks are sugar free! For 7 days you can get rid of 5 to 7 kilograms.
- Drinking three-day diet An effective and safe diet during which you can lose 3-5 kilograms, normalize metabolism and cleanse the body.
- Drinking Weekly Diet This diet is suitable only for completely healthy people. For 7 days you can lose weight by 5-7 kilograms. We recommend that you include vegetable and meat soup in your diet once a day.
- Drinking a two-week diet A diet with serious health risks. Consultation with a nutritionist is recommended beforehand. You can lose up to 10 kilograms in 14 days.
- Drinking diet for 30 days We warn you: such a diet is considered dangerous, you need to consult a nutritionist and gastroenterologist. During the diet, be sure to take vitamins, monitor your health, if side effects are found, the diet must be stopped. For a month you can throw off 15-18 kilograms. It is very important after the completion of this diet to switch to a normal diet gradually, first including cereals, vegetable purees, and puree soup in the diet. At least two more months after the diet, you must adhere to strict rules
Results and reviews after the diet Favorite
With strict adherence to this weight loss technique, most women lose eight to ten kilograms on average.
But is the diet as simple as it might seem at first glance? Let's learn about it from the women who adhered to it.
Irina, 25 years old
For the first time I was on a diet Favorite year ago. My result was minus 9 kg. I can’t say that I easily endured weight loss, but compared to other diets, Favorite is an effective and not extreme way to lose weight.
Veronica, 32 years old
If you asked me whether it is worth starving yourself in order to lose weight, or is it better to sit on your Favorite, then I would recommend the second option. This diet helped me, I was able to lose up to 7 kg. And I didn't need more.
Inna, 41 years old
What does a woman need for a good mood? Good figure and self-confidence. Unfortunately, I can’t boast of a slender waist, so I periodically sit on different diets. I recently tried Beloved, lost 11 kg, but I slightly limited the diet that is indicated on the menu. I just don't like meat. The rest is satisfied with the result.
Sat on a 12-day favorite diet, dropped 5 kg over the entire period. The most difficult thing was to endure the seventh day, since I do not like mineral water since childhood. But a beautiful figure requires sacrifice, and thanks to this weight loss technique, I got rid of excess weight.
Alena, 35 years old
Barely survived the 14-day Favorite Diet. I rarely go on diets, but before my birthday I decided to put my body in order. I lost 7 kg, got into my favorite dress. Will I still follow this method of weight loss? Yes, but only if I adapt the menu for myself. Unfortunately, it didn't do that in the first place.
Feedback on the fourth day
Maria, 22 years old
I hasten to share with you a review on the fourth day of the Beloved diet. If I could hardly stand all the other days, I wanted to eat something forbidden, then the fourth day pleased me. True, the use of citrus fruits in the morning can lead to the fact that the stomach will hurt. So I slightly adjusted the menu and drank a mug of green tea.
In principle, I have nothing against this diet, but nutrition is very limited in it. Such a diet is preferable for the summer, in winter it drives one into depression and it is better to adhere to a different method of losing weight.
Below in the photo you will see the results of the Favorite diet for 7 days.
Minus 10 kg.
Minus 5 kg.
Menu options↑
Based on your goals, taste preferences and the duration of the diet, you can choose the drinking diet option that suits you best.
- Water diet Or fasting on the water. All day you can only drink water without gas. Recipe of the day: add lemon juice and ginger root to 2 liters of water. Shake and consume throughout the day.
- Tea diet The whole day you can drink only tea without sugar. Tea can be herbal, red, green, black. Recipe of the day: Brew a tonic black tea by adding mint, oregano, St. John's wort and fireweed leaves. Tea can be drunk throughout the day, it is allowed to add low-calorie milk.
- Dairy diet During the drink at least two liters of low-fat dairy products. Recipe of the day: add two teaspoons of cinnamon and a pinch of vanilla to a glass of kefir with a fat content of 2.5%. Such a drink satisfies hunger well, it is perfect two hours before bedtime.
- Diet on the broth On this day, we drink at least two liters of broth from lean meat. Recipe of the day: Boil chicken breast with a pinch of salt, bay leaf, a medium onion and two cloves of garlic. In the three-day version of the drinking diet, it is permissible to make soup puree from vegetables and meat.
- Diet on compote All day long you can drink unsweetened kissels and compotes from natural berries and fruits. Recipe of the day: We will cook compote from apples and dried fruits. To do this, we need raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dried apples and pears. Cut and boil fruit in water for 30 minutes. Cool the drink and drink it in small portions throughout the day.
- Diet on juices Menu of the day - two liters of freshly squeezed juice from fruits or vegetables. We avoid citrus juices - orange and lemon, as well as banana and grape juice. Smoothies are allowed. Recipe of the day: Mix apple, carrot, celery pieces and a glass of water in a blender. Garnish the smoothie with a sprig of mint.
- Vegetable diet During the day we eat 1.5 liters of vegetable broth, be sure to also drink water and herbal tea. Recipe of the day: Pour water over carrots, onions, celery, green peas and Brussels sprouts. Cook stirring for 30-35 minutes. We filter the vegetables, and the rich vegetable broth will become your food for the whole day.
Recipes for a diet of a loved one are very simple and uncomplicated. By turning on your imagination, you can make your menu not only conducive to weight loss, but also tasty.
Fruit salad
- Banana 1 pc;
- Grapefruit 1 pc;
- Orange 1 pcs:
- Kiwi 1 pc;
- Apple 1 pc.
Peel the fruit and cut into cubes, mix together. A delicious and healthy dessert is ready. Fruit salad is perfect for lunch or dinner on the 4th day of your beloved's diet.
Chicken bouillon
- Chicken (mainly brisket) 0.5 kg;
- Onion 1 pc;
- carrot 1 pc.
Wash the chicken, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it covers the bird 3-4 cm higher. We clean the carrots and onions from the peel, add to the pan, put on fire until boiling, then reduce the gas and cook until tender. Cooking time depends on the age of the bird. Homemade chicken, especially old ones, is cooked for at least 2 hours. We take out the onions and carrots from the broth, which gave it a piquancy taste. Can be served at the table. It is highly recommended to include your favorite broth in the menu when dieting, especially on drinking days in order to avoid debilitating hunger, possible weakness, dizziness, headaches.
Salmon fillet in a slow cooker
- Salmon (steak or fillet) 500 gr;
- Butter 50 gr;
- Lemon 1 pc;
- Dill 30 gr;
- Purified water 1 glass;
- Salt pepper;
- Foil.
Cut the lemon into 2 halves. Wash salmon thoroughly, dry, salt and pepper. Squeeze the juice from 1 half of a lemon, which marinate the fish. Butter is mixed with finely chopped dill. We turn the foil into 2 layers, put the fish in the center, grease it with creamy sauce on top, wrap the foil in a square. Pour a glass of water into the slow cooker, send the salmon there. We turn on the "Baking" mode, lasting 30 minutes. We control that the water does not completely evaporate, if necessary, top up. On the protein day of your favorite diet, salmon fillet perfectly diversifies the menu for lunch or dinner.
Turkey roll in a slow cooker
- Turkey fillet 500 gr;
- Salt, pepper, bay leaf;
- Purified water 1 glass;
- Olive oil 3 tbsp.
My turkey, cut into layers 2-3 cm wide, beat off each piece, salt, pepper, sprinkle with olive oil. We send it to the refrigerator for 12-20 hours in a container covered with a lid. After the bird has marinated, we roll it up in the form of a roll, tying it with a thread or toothpicks. Pour a glass of water into the slow cooker, send the fillet, cook for 50-60 minutes. Hot roll must be cooled in the refrigerator. Serve cut into pieces. A steamed turkey roll will complement the menu of the 7-final day of your favorite diet for lunch or dinner.
Marina, 21 years old: “This diet was difficult for me, I often felt bad. But still she was able to endure. I lost 6 kilos in 7 days. The extra kilos didn’t come back to me, but I’ll say right away: I seriously approached the issue of getting out of the drinking diet, and now I limit myself to food. ”
Ulyana, 30 years old: “We went on this diet with my girlfriend. We stayed with her for a week. And after 7 days, we were very pleased with the result: I have minus 6 kilograms, and she has minus 4. After the diet, we decided to sign up for a gym and switch to proper nutrition.”
Ekaterina, 37 years old: “After 35, losing weight is not at all easy. I had hateful folds on my stomach and cellulite, which greatly spoiled my self-esteem. After a long search, I came to a drinking diet. I started with a milk version: I drank kefir with cinnamon. Two days later I got on the scales - the result is minus 4 kilograms! Such a quick effect makes me very happy! I recommend to everyone!"
Detailed diet for 7 days
The classic version provides for drinking, vegetable, protein, fruit days and the final - mixed. The adherents of the methodology are sure that it is impossible to change the order at your discretion.
Detailed menu for 7 days:
- The diet starts with cleansing the body, which is facilitated by liquid nutrition. On the first day, low-fat meat, mushroom broths, vegetable puree-like broths, freshly squeezed fresh juices, tea without sugar, non-carbonated drinking water are allowed. It is not recommended to drink packaged industrial juices, as they often contain sugar. It is best to start and end the day with milk drinks.
- The second day passes under the motto: "Only vegetables." There are no restrictions on cabbage, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, greens. It is only necessary to control the consumption of legumes, potatoes. If the body reacts to an excess of fiber, which is abundant in plant foods, with bloating, flatulence, then the products should be subjected to gentle heat treatment. In winter, when the choice of vegetables is not particularly huge, frozen vegetable mixes will be a good help.
- The third day is identical to the first.
- The fourth day is devoted to eating fruits and berries: apples, pears, kiwi, citrus fruits, cherries. One serving is 1-2 fruits or a glass of berries. It is recommended to refrain from grapes and bananas. Before going to bed, you can treat yourself to a glass of whey or kefir.
- The fifth day is "ruled" by squirrels. Steam omelette for breakfast, after a couple of hours a piece of boiled fish 200 g. For lunch, you can enjoy a baked fillet of the same weight. For an afternoon snack, 150 g of cottage cheese is offered, for dinner - 100 g of soft cheese. However, this is just an approximate option, you can compose the menu based on your gastronomic preferences and expand it with vegetable proteins, seafood.
- The sixth day is already somewhat fed up with drinking. The grocery set is the same as on the first day.
- The final seventh day is the beginning of the exit phase from the diet. For breakfast, you can eat a light protein dish, for lunch - rice stew, for dinner - vegetable stew. In between main meals, enjoy fruit or vegetable cuts.
There is another more rigid version of the Favorite diet. For clarity, the menu is displayed in the table.
Day | Menu |
one | Only water and low-fat kefir. |
2 | Dairy drinks, water, green tea. |
3 | Apples or citrus fruits: grapefruit, orange. |
4, 5.6 | Chicken fillet 1 kg, salt must not be added during cooking. Spices can be added to improve the taste. |
7 | Dry wine and hard cheese. Each meal consists of 150 ml of an alcoholic drink and 30 g of a slice of cheese. The number of meals is not limited and is determined only by resistance to alcohol. |
On a note! Wine can be replaced with grape or pomegranate juice.
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