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The traditional Japanese diet, including a weekly menu and reviews

weight loss

 Residents of Japan are striking in their harmony. There are no special secrets in this - just Asian women carefully compose their daily diet and strictly observe it. And they refuse to use salt for a while. The original version of the Japanese diet, reviews of which are mostly positive, is designed for 13 days - this number is considered lucky in Asia. This is not typical for European culture, so the menu is compiled for a week, and the total length is 14 days.

There are several versions of the authorship of the Japanese diet on the Internet. Some believe that she was “born” within the walls of the Yaex clinic. However, the nutrition system offered by the doctors of this institution is significantly different. The original version, designed, by the way, for a week offers a diet based on the daily use of such products:

  • 500 g of vegetables, fruits;
  • 100 g of fish and milk;
  • 60 g of any legumes;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. l sugar;
  • coffee;
  • low calorie sauces.

The term “Japanese diet for 14 days” hides a diet that, judging by the menu for the week, is not made up by the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun at all. But in the reviews you can often read links to similarities with Asian women.

What is the Japanese diet for 14 days

The nutrition system is considered unbalanced, since its menu lacks some trace elements useful for the body. The Japanese diet for 14 days helps to lose up to 9-10 kg. The essence of the technique is the use of products, the energy value of which is minimal. With their help, the body is not fully saturated, therefore, it begins to expend previously accumulated fats.
To achieve the promised result, you need to eat strictly on schedule and in limited quantities. The Japanese diet provides for a daily diet. At the end of the diet, it is important to follow some recommendations in order to maintain the result for a long time. The main principles of this method of losing weight are as follows:

  • refusal of spices, salt;
  • the predominance of protein foods in the menu;
  • the use of exclusively dietary dishes;
  • maintaining a balanced diet in the future.

The essence of the diet

The Japanese diet is considered one of the most strict systems, based on protein nutrition, but the diet contains light carbohydrates in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits. As a result, the body has nowhere to take energy, it is forced to draw it from its own fat reserves.

Basic moments:

  • the duration of the system is 7 or 14 days;
  • only three meals;
  • on the Japanese diet, you can eat only those foods that are on the menu;
  • it is important to drink plenty of water.

The Japanese diet for 14 days is more common. But there is also a seven-day option. It is suitable for a small initial weight, when you need to lose 3-4 kg, unload the body. Also, people often just do not reach the end, break down in the middle of the distance. To prevent this from happening, you need to clearly study the rules, tune in morally, prepare everything in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other weight loss system, the Japanese diet has its pros and cons. They must be taken into account before starting to observe such a diet. If the method causes you serious discomfort, it is better to find an alternative way to get rid of extra pounds. The main benefits of the Japanese diet are:

  • normalization of metabolic and metabolic processes;
  • removal of toxins, excess fluid, toxins from the body;
  • high efficiency;
  • short duration;
  • good tolerance (the most difficult - the first 3 days, after which the body gets used to the diet).

The disadvantages of the method are standard and are no different from the disadvantages of other low-calorie diets. These include:

  • possible depletion of the body, if additional vitamin complexes are not taken;
  • the minimum number of calories, which increases the likelihood of breaking loose in the first few days of the diet;
  • obligatory use of brewed coffee, which is not allowed for everyone.

Pros and cons of the diet

The diet is strict, there are few meals, the set of products is strictly limited, and even half-starved breakfasts are present. There are many downsides to this system. It does not fit any canon of healthy eating, the calorie content of some days is negligible, and empty coffee for breakfast still surprises nutritionists. Why is the system not losing popularity?

What are the advantages of the Japanese diet:

  1. All people lose weight on it, even with a sluggish metabolism. In just 14 days, you can get rid of one or even two sizes in clothes, lose up to 10 kg. Some overweight people start their long journey to slimness with this diet.
  2. This system helps to get rid of the habit of constantly chewing something, as it does not have snacks.
  3. Clean windows between meals give the body a rest, restart internal processes.
  4. The volume of the stomach is reduced. This is not only due to the portions, on some days they are more than the norm. Large breaks also affect the size of the stomach.
  5. The person begins to drink water. This is a strict rule that has to be followed, the habit takes root.

This diet will help you lose weight for your wedding, birthday or vacation. But it is important to understand that losing weight before feasting is dangerous. Therefore, you need to choose the most favorable time and leave a margin in order to smoothly exit the diet, keep the new weight.


The Japanese weight loss system gives an amazing result, but in order to achieve the effect, it is important to strictly follow all the rules. It's easy to remember them:

  1. You can eat only what is indicated on the menu, in addition, it is important to strictly observe the portion size. It is forbidden even to change products in places, because during weight loss certain changes occur in the metabolism, and the Japanese diet is designed to maintain the proper functioning of the body.
  2. It is necessary to observe the correct drinking regimen. The daily norm for an adult is 1.5 liters of non-carbonated clean water at room temperature.
  3. Required to take vitamins for 2 weeks. Ignoring this requirement will lead to vitamin deficiency, deterioration of health, loss of strength, and a decrease in immunity.
  4. Active physical activity is prohibited. At the same time, morning exercises are recommended, which helps to cheer up and keep muscles in good shape.
  5. Any snacks are excluded. 3 meals per day are allowed. With a strong feeling of hunger, it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Do sports?

During low-carb diets, it is not recommended to play sports. And without physical activity, weakness, loss of strength can be felt, sometimes headaches appear. But during the exit, when the diet is gradually replenished with carbohydrate foods, it's time to go in for sports. It will help tighten the skin, restore elasticity, reduce volume.

If there is no time or energy for a full-fledged sport, then brisk walking, swimming, dancing will help out. You can ride a bike or find another active hobby.

Prohibited Products

It is strictly forbidden to use products that are not included in the list of permitted. So, from the food menu during the Japanese diet for 14 days are excluded:

  • flour products, pastries;
  • alcohol;
  • bananas and grapes;
  • sweets;
  • tea, cocoa, milk;
  • all seasonings, including sugar, salt;
  • smoked products.

Japanese diet - reviews and results with before and after photos

My parents introduced me to this diet at one time after they were advised by her friend from Japan. As a 16-year-old teenager, I did not understand why the menu changed so drastically. But from the entire list of allowed products, my mother managed to cook delicious dishes. At the same time, she lost up to 7 kg in a month. I now sometimes sit on a Japanese diet once a year, and I like the result. ”

“How many diets I tried, none of them gave a good lasting result. I read reviews about the Japanese diet for 13 days and decided to try it too. I love fish, so I was very pleased with the menu. I gave up salt, sugar and confectionery. In 13 days, I managed to lose 3 kg, and even feel much better. In combination with physical activity in the gym, it gives even greater results. ”

“I don’t really like seafood and oriental cuisine in general, but for the sake of a good result I decided to endure. I tried to make a varied menu - this was the most difficult. As a result, in two weeks I lost 4 kg and was very satisfied. True, two months later I again gained a couple of extra pounds. I think to try this diet again in six months. In general, it is easily tolerated. I refused salt and sweets without difficulty.

“Decided to lose weight on this Japanese diet. Started with 105 kg. Now it's day 8 of the diet. I combine it with exercise. I completely removed simple carbohydrates, before training I try to eat something from complex carbohydrates and protein so that I have the strength to train. Sweet in the trash, salt also removed. Now my weight is 100 kg, I can already see the changes in the mirror. I will continue to continue, I think I will last 13 days. ”

“A difficult diet for me, but painfully effective. The menu is predominantly fish, lean meat and vegetables. The menu was slightly altered, breaking three meals into five. So even more efficiently, the metabolism accelerates better. I read reviews and results with photos of the Japanese diet, and everyone writes about how they lost almost 10 kg. I didn't get that result. Lost 10 kg in two months. It seems that the result was even better than from other diets.

“At first, in the first two or three days it was very difficult. I just love sweets and I can't live without them. Yes, I often indulge myself with salty. And then I had to give up all these joys. The menu is also quite heavy: fish and vegetables mostly. In the early days, I even felt dizzy, but this is more of a psychological moment. If you overcome this, then it will be easier. In fact, the Japanese diet is not that complicated, if you fantasize about the menu and allowed foods. Lost about 2 kg in two weeks.

“For those who have gastritis, I do not recommend such a diet. Broke on the 10th day after the start of the diet. I had to refuse such food, because the disease worsened. In order not to spoil the stomach, you can probably slightly correct the menu. But in 10 days I still managed to lose 4 kilograms. I’ll try later, but first I’ll consult a doctor, maybe he will tell you how to improve the diet without harm to health. ”

“Why are all the reviews about the Japanese diet for 14 days completely positive? I have had only negative experiences with this diet. I found out that I was allergic to fish products, I felt terrible during the diet. Without sweet it is difficult, and even more so without salt. If someone has an allergy to allowed products, I do not recommend. For all those who are mentally strong and ready to give up many sweets, this scheme can and will do.

“I don’t understand how you can master this diet. No, there is no feeling of hunger. But constantly eating fish and vegetables is tough. The food is mostly protein, almost no carbohydrates. Where will the energy come from? Withstood only 7 days of such torture. She became lethargic, she had almost no strength. Maybe the menu was wrong, or maybe something else played a role. Of course there was a result. I lost 4 kg in just a week, but I probably don’t have enough willpower and I’m not mentally ready for such diets yet. For everyone else, I can only recommend trying it. All of a sudden you can."

“Before the diet, I was afraid that I would have to starve. But in fact, dishes from permitted products are very satisfying. 200 grams of fish is enough for you to eat normally. I didn't follow the diet exactly according to the rules. Sometimes I allowed myself to eat a small marmalade, a piece of cheese. In general, she refused sugar, flour products and salt. While working out in the gym. Two months later on the scales - minus 13 kg. A month later, the extra pounds did not return. But in order to maintain such a weight, you have to follow the diet and do physical exercises. ”

If you are a lover of seafood and protein foods, then we advise you to try this diet. Among the popular ways to lose weight, the Japanese diet is one of the most logical and correct nutrition systems.

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  1. Fighter007 says:
    The diet is of course quite correct in terms of nutrient breakdown. Protein food should prevail during weight loss. Avoid sugar and simple carbohydrates in general. But there are also softer methods. I recently purchased the Fast Fat Burning manual. Everything about losing weight and drying is written in black and white, how to burn fat correctly. I learned a lot of new things and now I successfully apply them in practice.
  2. Katerina says:

    Guys and girls, can someone throw off at least an approximate menu? At least see if it's worth it to sit on the Japanese scheme or is it a rather difficult test.

  3. Jolie66 says:

    I do not like fish at all, so this option is not for me. It's unlikely to come. Of course, it's time to lose weight, but everything Japanese does not suit me. And what is this FFB manual? She is being written about all over the place. Worth buying?

  4. Olezhka says:

    Of course buy! As a coach, I can say that there is decent information given there. Everything is structured and logical. I carry it with me now to give reading to my clients in the gym. I've used some of the advice from there before. There is also something new that I discovered for myself. I bought it on sale for only 290 rubles. I think this is a meager amount of money for such knowledge.

  5. Timka30777 says:

    I really can’t remember a single fat Japanese)) But they don’t understand what they usually eat there. The diet is not difficult, it might be worth a try. I saw pictures before and after, and a friend of mine was on a Japanese diet. The result is impressive. Now we need to lose a few extra pounds, otherwise everyone is already called chubby. It's not a shame, but you can't start yourself like that)

  6. Leonidovi4 says:

    I bought the FFB manual and I'm not worried. I can draw up and paint a diet for myself without the help of trainers. I don't understand why people don't want to spend a couple of hundred for such valuable information. Or is it easier to pay a coach every workout for a thousand rubles? Everything is well described in the manual.

  7. Nadia says:

    I work as a personal trainer. The students have already started to leave me. I ask and everyone says they bought some Fast Fat Burning and now everyone knows. It turned out that the guys did not need it, they became independent. I freaked out and bought one for myself. I read and understand, soon people like me will really not be needed. People can get all knowledge from such sources. And it's worth every penny. Of course, it is more profitable for them to do so than to pay me every time.

  8. Marinka666 says:

    Since such a booze has gone, then I will also speak about FFB, even though there is an article about the Japanese diet. Bought this manual recently. I had enough knowledge to properly burn fat. But until I read it. Some things I did wrong though. I think after a while my progress will be noticeably better, because there is really useful info there.

  9. Pavel41 says:

    People, is coffee really allowed in the Japanese diet? I just can't wake up in the morning without it. And another question for those who have already gone through this diet: are there any side effects from it? Are there problems with bad breath when you lose weight, or can your general health somehow affect?

  10. Valya says:

    During the diet, they say the smell from the mouth really deteriorates. On sites where I read reviews they talk about the smell of acetone. I don’t know if it’s true or not, I didn’t seem to have any problems with this, the guy didn’t complain)) I lost weight successfully on this diet.

  11. Ulyana says:

    Somehow I can’t believe that with such a diet and menu you can lose up to 10 kg. It is doubtful that in just two weeks such a result. I got rid of a maximum of 4 kg in such a period of time. Such a sharp weight loss is not always good for the body.

  12. Yulenka says:

    I liked that there is a ready-made menu, no need to rack your brains. The weight is gone and does not return if you develop the habit of not eating at night and gradually give up sweets. Good diet.

  13. Darina says:

    Good article, thanks for the feedback. Now I will definitely try this diet. I'll post back as soon as I get two weeks. And if I don’t hold out, then I’ll unsubscribe too and tell you why I’m so weak-willed)))

  14. warrior says:

    What are you breaking your head with all sorts of Japanese, European and other foreign diets. Buy the FFB training manual while it costs only 290 rubles. The whole process is clearly explained there. What is possible, what is not. You will learn a lot. I bought this and have no regrets. Now I am gradually losing weight without problems and I see results every day.

  15. Selena says:

    Everywhere everyone writes about FFB. Couldn't resist and bought it too. I have been doing it for a long time, and the information there is really useful for beginners. This is a good guide and reference book for those who want to lose weight. She helped me refresh some moments in my memory, sometimes I reread it.

  16. Olga says:

    As a doctor, I say that the Japanese diet is not suitable for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, even a tendency to constipation, let alone gastritis with such a diet, will aggravate the situation. Before you go on such a diet, consult with a specialist.

  17. JoTrib says:

    Without physical activity, there will be no stable result. Last year I was on this diet. The extra weight is back. I bought the FFB manual, it talked about the importance of physical activity. On nutrition, he also noted several important points. No diet will help with the wrong approach.

  18. Vika says:

    This was my first diet. It was necessary to reset a little, so I didn’t drive myself into too tight frames. Sometimes I allowed myself a few unauthorized products. The result is only minus 2-3 kg in two weeks, but this was enough.

  19. Qwentin says:

    Fast Fat Burning in your hands! Buy for 290 rubles, and no Japanese diets are needed. I can't tell you everything that's written there. Better buy and find out for yourself. There is literally on the shelves painted how to lose weight.

  20. Evgesha says:

    Guys, two kg in two weeks is a normal result in your opinion. I think no. I don't believe in the Japanese diet. It didn't help much. Even though she did everything right.

  21. Lariska says:

    The result of this diet lasted a couple of months. Then the excess fat returned. You should probably still actively engage in sports, and go out of the diet smoothly. A friend has lost 7 kg, but her willpower will be more.

  22. Ninochka says:

    The most difficult diet for me was. I don’t like fish products, and I can’t eat a lot of meat, but I had to. In short, tin, not a diet, although the result was.

  23. Christy says:

    And in two weeks I lost 5 kg without any fish and Japanese cuisine. I just bought FFB - a training manual that everyone is now praising. Snatched for 290 rubles. I didn't know it was so easy to lose weight. I go in for sports, the menu pleases every day, I began to feel better. I'm thinking of giving up the services of a personal trainer. Why pay if I already know everything myself?

  24. Regisha says:

    The menu of the Japanese diet is somehow unbalanced. And it is not known how all this will affect the kidneys. Yes, and without salt it will probably be difficult for many. I haven't tried it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

  25. Valerian says:

    Lasted only 7 days on this diet. Painfully, it is boring and there are few allowed products. Here you can’t really fantasize with the menu. Lost 2 kg in a week.

    Svetlanka says:
  26. Good people, the essence of this diet is not to enjoy a delicious variety of food and count on losing weight, the point is to learn to eat in these two weeks in order to live, that is, in moderation, learn to manage with a small amount of food, because in after eating 1 cutlet, albeit fried with 2 tablespoons of mashed potatoes, you will not gain weight, so if you hold on for two weeks only to then switch back to the usual volume of food eaten, then of course any diet will not be for you! I personally once sat on this diet and lost 8 kg in 13 days, and did not gain weight until I started to abuse food again, for more than a year the weight kept, from 75 to 68 the weight fell. Now the fourth day is again on this diet, I have been going for three years, I recommend it to everyone! By the way, there are not so many fish there, and whoever doesn’t like it can be replaced with lean meat, chicken or turkey breast! All the best and good luck!

Japanese diet menu for 14 days

A strict weight loss system does not allow any changes in the diet and schedule. If you want to get the promised result, it is important to strictly follow the schedule that the Japanese diet offers for two weeks. Optimal menu:

oneBlack brewed coffee without sugarA glass of tomato juice, a couple of hard-boiled eggs, boiled cabbage with vegetable oilBoiled meat or fish (200 g)
2Unsweetened coffee, a slice of rye breadBoiled or grilled fish, boiled cabbage with vegetable oilA glass of low-fat kefir, 100 g of boiled beef
3A slice of rye bread (you can cracker or toast), unsweetened coffeeEggplant or zucchini fried in a little olive oilUnsalted, boiled beef (200 g), fresh white cabbage with vegetable oil, 2 hard boiled eggs
4Fresh carrots seasoned with lemon juiceA glass of tomato juice, 200 g grilled or steamed trout200 g any fresh fruit
5Grated carrot salad (can be sprinkled with lemon juice)Boiled or baked fish (200 g), a glass of tomato juice200 g of fruit (you can apples, citrus fruits, etc.)
6unsweetened coffeeDietary chicken meat (200 g), carrot and cabbage salad with vegetable oilFresh carrots, 2 boiled eggs
7Coffee brew without sugarBoiled unsalted beef (500 g)200 g beef stew or 200 g fresh fruit
eightunsweetened coffeeUnsalted boiled chicken (500 g), carrot and cabbage salad with vegetable oil2 boiled eggs, fresh carrot
nineGrated carrots with lemon juiceFried or boiled fish (carp), a glass of tomato juiceAny fruit (200 g)
tenunsweetened coffeeHard cheese (50 g), 2-3 small carrots, boiled eggAny fruit (200 g)
elevenSlice of black bread, coffee without sugarEggplant/zucchini fried in olive oilFresh beef, 2 boiled eggs, fresh cabbage with vegetable oil
12Unsweetened coffee, a slice of rye bread200 g fried or boiled fish with fresh cabbage in vegetable oilA glass of kefir, 100 g of boiled unsalted beef
thirteenSugar free coffeeBoiled cabbage in vegetable oil, 2 hard boiled eggs, a glass of tomato juiceFried or boiled fish (200 g)
fourteenunsweetened coffeeFried / boiled fish (200 g), fresh cabbage salad, which can be seasoned with olive oilA glass of kefir, 200 g of boiled beef

Leaving the Japanese Diet

Diet, menu, drinking regime - everything in this technique is designed for rapid weight loss. At the same time, in order to maintain health in the pursuit of a beautiful figure, it is important that the 14-day diet ends correctly. Lost kilograms will not come back if you correctly exit the Japanese food system. For this you should:

  • daily add no more than 1 product to the diet;
  • try not to increase the volume of servings sharply;
  • in the next 2-3 weeks after the completion of the diet, refuse fatty, sour, spicy, smoked foods.

Preparing for a Diet

A diet is certainly stressful for the body, so before starting it, you need to prepare the body. First of all, in 1-2 weeks you need to give up fast food, and minimize the consumption of sweet, fatty and starchy foods.

To speed up your metabolism, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily a week or two before starting the diet. Another way, in the morning on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of warm purified water. The portion size should be reduced by 20%, in other words, you need to consume 500 calories less per day.


The principle of the Japanese diet, which ensures its effectiveness, is the acceleration of the metabolism in the body. At the same time, the weight loss system has nothing to do with the dishes of the Land of the Rising Sun. The diet is designed for healthy people and those who have certain chronic pathologies. However, the Japanese technique has some contraindications. It is forbidden to lose weight in this way:

  • during pregnancy, lactation;
  • people with diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels);
  • diabetics;
  • during the endocrine restructuring of the body (with menopause, after an abortion, during treatment with hormonal drugs);
  • professional athletes and people who have intense physical activity.

Basic principles

The real origin of the Japanese 14 day diet is not known. There is an opinion that the set of products in the menu is more European than Asian. Diet from a strict diet for every day.

Consider the basic principles of the diet:

  1. You can not use any seasonings, even salt.
  2. Eating low calorie foods.
  3. The predominance of protein foods.
  4. Proper nutrition must be observed even after the end of the diet.
  5. You need to eat small meals.
  6. You should only eat 3 times.

A salt-free and protein diet includes a rational menu that helps not only remove excess fat, but also harmful components.

A diet with a low percentage of fat is effective for burning accumulated reserves. Protein-rich food improves metabolic processes and allows you to keep a good shape after a diet.

Intensive weight loss will be carried out for 14 days. You can use such a diet no more than twice a year. In a two-week period, from 6-8 kg is removed.
