The female sex often suffers from excessive weight, which causes discomfort of various kinds. Many are trying to find certain methods to combat this problem. The Maggie diet got its name in honor of the diminutive form of the name Margaret Thatcher, as it was developed by nutritionists specifically for her. Therefore, one should not think that it includes the intake of maggi broths of the same name. According to most women who have tried it on themselves, the diet consists of an excellent menu for 4 weeks and makes it possible to lose a significant amount of kilograms in 1 month.
Features of the Maggi diet
This method of fat burning nutrition is based on reducing the calorie content of food by reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed, protein foods will be a priority. The combination of these products with citrus fruits effectively helps with weight loss and this is a scientifically proven fact. The compiled menu activates various metabolic processes in the body, due to which the breakdown of accumulated fats occurs. The diet lasts only 4 weeks, during which a woman loses 10-25 kg. The main thing is that with such a diet she does not need to starve.
Its main feature is the strict observance of the prescribed mode of eating. If the diet is interrupted at any week, it will need to be started again, as the positive effect will be lost. The same result will be observed when rearranging products in places due to inattentive reading of the menu.
The combination of selected products in each meal will not only cause pleasure from dishes, but also preserve the health of a woman, since her body will receive all the necessary micronutrients in the right amount. Thanks to this diet, the following positive results are observed in the functioning of organs and general well-being:
- acceleration of the metabolic process;
- complete digestion of proteins;
- lack of feeling of hunger;
- fat burning;
- the condition of hair, skin and bones will improve;
- the feeling of fatigue will disappear;
- the emotional state is normalized, depressive states will disappear;
- the contours of the body will become beautiful and clearly defined.
Weight Loss:
- at 1 week - from 2 to 3 kg;
- for 2 weeks - from 3 to 5 kg;
- after 3 weeks - up to 8 kg;
- at the end of the fourth week there is a loss of 10-12 kg.
Advantages and disadvantages of the diet
The egg diet helps to reduce the initial weight by 10-25 kg in 1 month. But since no one has yet come up with an ideal diet, losing weight on proteins has its drawbacks.
Diet Benefits
You won't have to starve. Eggs are rich in easily digestible protein and trace elements. Nails, skin and hair become healthier. This is due to the fact that eggs and citrus fruits contain many useful substances. The diet does not have a severe psychological impact on the fragile nervous system of a person who is losing weight. It's easy to make and the menu is varied. Excess fluid is removed from the body. The products included in the diet are not very expensive. Ease of execution. All you need is to make a list of products for a month and strictly follow the nutrition plan.
Diet cons
Severity. The diet itself is simple, but you need to stick to it with maximum pedantry. It is impossible to change something in the diet or make a menu at your discretion. Stomach whims. An unusually high amount of protein in the diet can provoke indigestion. Weakness. Since the diet is low-carbohydrate, after a few days a person begins to get tired faster, lethargy appears.
Nutrition rules
The principles of this diet are as follows:
- the menu compiled for each day is not subject to change. You are forbidden to eat food at other times, as well as to refrain from eating. For example, if in the morning it is indicated to eat a certain fruit, then you can not eat it in the afternoon or in the evening;
- the volume of daily fluid (pure water) - not less than 3 liters;
- 1, 2 weeks - three meals a day at a certain time;
- unsweetened tea and coffee can be drunk in any volume with sweeteners;
- when cooking, oil and fat are not used;
- it is allowed to add salt, pepper, garlic and onions to dishes;
- 2-3 hours after a meal, it is allowed to eat fresh vegetables;
- you need to do physical exercises every day;
- you can have dinner after 6 pm, but no later than 3 hours before going to bed;
- it is desirable to cook in the oven or slow cooker, and in their absence in a dry frying pan;
- it is not recommended to use the diet more than 1 p. at 6 months;
- before starting a diet, the body must be prepared so as not to cause disturbances in the digestive tract.
If you decide on this technique, then study its rules and menu, and immediately evaluate your capabilities in terms of its observance.
Important: if you are not confident in yourself, then it is better not to use this technique for losing weight, since a violation of any rule or a short-term interruption of the diet will reduce all results to zero.
The opinion of doctors and nutritionists
Nutritionists and doctors treat protein diets without too much enthusiasm. They consider egg and other protein foods to be unbalanced. Despite the boring menu, it is difficult to call such a diet healthy. It is almost completely free of fats and complex carbohydrates. A constant oversaturation with proteins can lead to cell failure. In their opinion, diseases can worsen, problems with the kidneys and adrenal glands appear, and the level of cholesterol in the blood will also increase.
In addition, a large amount of dietary protein can cause unwanted effects. If you feel weak, nauseous, or dizzy, stop the diet immediately and consult a doctor.
What foods can you eat
The main types of products that make up the Maggi diet menu for 4 weeks:
- Vegetables and greens. You can use them boiled, baked, stewed, raw and frozen. For example, you can get out of the freezer and steam a vegetable mixture of carrots, zucchini, cabbage, peppers. When cooking, it is permissible to use only water, not broths.
- Fruits. Prepared in the same way as vegetables. The diet contains citrus fruits - grapefruit or orange. Only they can be replaced with each other. Successfully combined apples, kiwi, cherries, watermelons, pears, pineapple. Such a set of fruits helps to correct the figure and burn fat. In addition to some prohibited fruits, which will be discussed below, absolutely all berries and fruits are allowed.
- Dairy products. Cottage cheese and cheese are chosen for a diet with a certain fat content. For the first, it should not exceed 9%, and for the second - 20%. At the last stage, Maggi introduces yogurt into the diet.
- Seafood and lean fish. The most commonly used in diets are shrimp, pollock, cod, pike perch, hake to prevent the deposition of fatty layers.
- Eggs.
- Bird. In this case, only lean meats (chicken, turkey) are allowed, when eating which, the skin must be removed.
- Animal meat is also allowed to eat only lean boiled, stewed or baked. In diets, veal and beef are usually used. Meat by-products are allowed.
- Products made from flour - bread, toast, rye bread or made from wholemeal flour, unsweetened diet crackers.
- The drinks. Well tone unsweetened coffee and tea, and also without the addition of milk and cream. Still water and in rare cases, you can drink 1 glass of Diet Coke.
- As seasonings, it is allowed to use pepper, onion, salt, garlic, gelatin, ginger.
- Of the sugar substitutes, stevia or agave syrup is allowed.
Important: when cooking, it is better to use a minimum amount of seasonings, as spicy food will cause hunger.
Despite the number of positive reviews, the egg-grapefruit menu is not for everyone. If you have:
- Individual intolerance to egg white, yolk or citrus fruits;
- Problems with the cardiovascular system;
- Diabetes;
- Various liver diseases;
- peptic ulcers;
- Gastritis;
then compliance with the above diets is highly discouraged.
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List of prohibited products
The following products are strictly prohibited in the Maggi diet:
- Canned vegetables, meat and fish. In the last week, tuna without oil is allowed.
- Milk.
- Sweeteners - sorbitol and fructose, as well as pure sugar.
- Jam and honey.
- Potato.
- Mushrooms.
- Lentils, beans, beans.
- From fruits, it is not allowed to eat bananas, mangoes, grapes, avocados, figs, as well as high-calorie dried fruits.
- Sauces and mayonnaise.
- Vegetable and butter.
- Confectionery.
- Pasta and pastries.
- Alcoholic drinks.
Maggi diet - menu for 4 weeks in the table (egg version)
The basis of the egg version of the Maggi diet is the use of chicken eggs. Many believe that the presence of such a quantity of this product on the menu can be dangerous, since its use will cause an increase in cholesterol in the body. The discovery of scientists proves that the presence of eggs in food in no way affects this indicator in the blood. Below is Maggi's egg diet for 4 weeks in the form of 4 tables.
I week. The body is preparing for a new diet.
Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner | |
Monday | Boiled egg - 1-2 pcs., 1/2 orange or grapefruit | In any quantity, one of the types of permitted fruits is watermelon, apple, orange, kiwi, pear, etc. | Cook meat, stew, bake in a piece or in the form of minced meat, lettuce |
Tuesday | Chicken meat, skin must be removed | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., Grain flour toast or - 1 pc., Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Vegetable salad without oil, mayonnaise, etc. | |
Wednesday | Toast or bread - 1 pc., tomatoes, low-fat cheese or cottage cheese | Lettuce leaves, boiled meat | |
Thursday | Any one type of fruit from the permitted list in any quantity | Vegetable salad and lean meat (minced meat) | |
Friday | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., steamed or boiled vegetables | Fish - 1 piece (can be baked, fried, boiled), vegetable salad, orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc. | |
Saturday | Any one type of fruit from the permitted list in any quantity | Vegetable salad and lean meat (minced meat) | |
Sunday | Grapefruit (orange) - 1 pc., tomatoes, boiled vegetables, skinless chicken meat | Steamed or boiled vegetables |
II week. The body gradually got used to the new diet and eggs are introduced daily, while breakfast does not change.
Breakfast | Dinner | Dinner | |
Monday | Boiled egg - 1-2 pcs., 1/2 orange or grapefruit | Vegetable salad and lean meat (minced meat) | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., vegetable salad, orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc. |
Tuesday | Vegetable salad and lean meat (minced meat) | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc. | |
Wednesday | Meat and cucumbers | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc. | |
Thursday | Boiled egg - 2 pcs., Baked, boiled or stewed vegetables, cheese (less than 20%) or cottage cheese (up to 9%) | Boiled egg - 2 pcs. | |
Friday | The fish is lean in any quantity. The cooking method is also optional. | Soft-boiled egg - 2 pcs. or an omelet made with water is allowed | |
Saturday | Meat, tomatoes, orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc. | fruit salad | |
Sunday | Grapefruit (orange) - 1 pc., tomatoes, boiled vegetables, skinless chicken meat | Grapefruit (orange) - 1 pc., tomatoes, boiled vegetables, skinless chicken meat |
III week. The diet has changed significantly. Products in this period can be eaten when and how much you want.
Day of the week | Menu |
Monday | A combination of fruits from the allowed list |
Tuesday | Vegetables, raw or boiled |
Wednesday | Menu of the day includes vegetables and fruits |
Thursday | Fish, boiled vegetables, lettuce or raw cabbage |
Friday | Meat, steamed or boiled vegetables |
Saturday | One type of fruit |
Sunday | Same as the previous day, only one type of fruit |
IV week. The products given for 1 day, the woman will have to divide into 4-5 doses. The time between them should be at least 2-3 hours.
Day of the week | Menu |
Monday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Toast - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2-4 pcs., Cucumbers - 4 pcs., Canned tuna (without oil) - 1 can, Boiled or fried meat - 4 pieces (200 gr. ) or 1/4 boiled skinless chicken |
Tuesday | Choose from one of the fruits - orange, grapefruit, apple, pear - 1 pc., toast - 1 pc., cucumbers - 4 pcs., tomatoes - 3 pcs., fried or boiled pieces of meat - 4 pcs. (200 gr.) |
Wednesday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Toast - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Cucumbers - 2 pcs., A small portion of boiled vegetables, cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. or cheese - 200 gr. |
Thursday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Toast - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 3 pcs., Cucumber - 1 pc., Half chicken boiled or fried |
Friday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., boiled egg - 2 pcs., vegetable salad of cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, carrots |
Saturday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Toast - 1 pc., Cheese (cheese) or cottage cheese - 125 gr., Sour milk - 1 tbsp., Chicken breast - 2 pcs. |
Sunday | Orange (grapefruit) - 1 pc., Tomatoes - 2 pcs., Cucumbers - 2 pcs., Toast - 1 pc., Cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l., canned tuna - 1 can, boiled vegetables - 1 small plate |
At the end of week 4 of the Maggi diet, the number of kilograms dropped is measured. Egg variant diet tables will help a woman to understand in advance whether she can eat like that.
Menu Options
The main products are eggs and grapefruit, the diet is based on them. Additionally, other food components are introduced, they help increase nutritional value and saturate the body with essential substances.
You can use a short diet for three days. Its menu is monotonous, but the duration is quite short. Basic nutritional advice:
- For breakfast: two slices of coarse bread, an egg, tea.
- Lunch: two eggs and citrus.
- Dinner: two eggs.
There is a diet on eggs and grapefruits for 7 days, its menu is as follows:
Another menu option for the week:
These are the simplest menu options, with the help of which the egg-grapefruit diet is observed. But you can replace some dishes with other products.
The main thing is that they are low-calorie, do not contain fats and a large amount of "harmful" carbohydrates, which are quickly absorbed in the body and deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
The results depend on the diet, nutritional patterns and individual characteristics of the organism. The three-day option allows you to lose about three kilograms. But he is quite strict, so it will not be so easy to withstand him.
If you follow the diet for 7 days, you can lose about 3 - 4 kilograms. This option involves the use of more products, it is easier to transfer, but the results are more rapid.
Diet Maggi: curd option
This diet plan is recommended for women who have high acidity. Also, the cottage cheese option will be a great alternative if you are not very fond of eggs. Its only difference is that the eggs on the menu are to be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese (up to 9%).
Before starting a diet, you need to weigh yourself in order to know exactly how many kilograms you are losing every day. With this method of losing weight, it is advisable to measure weight in the morning, after you go to the toilet.
Based on the tables of the egg version, the woman makes her own menu. The breakfast of the first two weeks consists of cottage cheese (up to 200 gr.) And fruits, and the rest of the meal can already be varied with vegetables and meat. The second 2 weeks do not have clear directions for each meal. A list of products for the day is given, and the woman herself can choose what and at what time to eat.
Important: in the last 2 weeks, you need to eat fractionally, at least 4-5 r. in a day.
The essence and principles of the egg diet
The egg diet is not a boring mono-diet. You don’t have to eat only boiled eggs from morning to evening. The diet is supplemented with citrus fruits (mostly grapefruit), plenty of vegetables and a whole list of other foods. The menu is almost completely free of fats and carbohydrates.
How does the egg white diet work?
A protein diet provokes a lack of carbohydrates, which are needed to process the incoming protein. The body solves the problem simply - it begins to take energy from its "reserves". Therefore, a person loses weight. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are part of chicken eggs, are also fighting for the harmony of the figure. These substances mercilessly deal with the "deposits" of fat in the cells.
Optimal diet duration
The duration of the diet is 1 month. The first 2 weeks in the diet is dominated by eggs. The menu of the second two weeks practically does not include them. The goal of the first half of the course is high-speed fat burning. The second part is aimed at consolidating the effect and safely ending the diet. The protein diet can be shorter - 7 or 14 days. But this express option is only suitable for those who need to lose no more than 3-8 kg of weight.
The egg diet has a set of rules that must not be broken. Even the slightest deviation from the established canons will lead to the fact that everything will have to start over.
Recipes for allowed dishes
Here are some detailed recipes for this diet:
- Salad "Red Trio". To prepare it, you need to take products such as 1 red pepper, 1 red onion, 1 pomegranate, 20 cherry tomatoes, a little parsley and a large bunch of cilantro. The salad is dressed with salt, ground black pepper and lemon juice. The pepper is baked in the oven until the skin is black. It is then peeled and the pepper is cut into cubes. The skin is removed from the onion, and it is cut into half rings. Tomatoes are cut in half. The greens are finely chopped. The ingredients are well mixed in a salad bowl and poured with dressing. Salad should soak for 15 minutes. and it can be used.
- Salmon for a couple. Take 2 fish steaks and put them in the pan. Then pour marinade, which is prepared from 2 tbsp. soy sauce and 1 tsp. lemon juice. For 30 min. put the bowl in the refrigerator. After the time has passed, the fish is taken out and each piece is wrapped in foil. In a double boiler, salmon cooks for 20 minutes. In its absence, you can use a saucepan, one-third filled with water, and a colander, which is installed on top of it. The fish is placed in a colander, covered with a lid and boiled until tender.
- Minced meat roll. 500 gr. beef is scrolled in a meat grinder several times along with 1 onion. Then, an egg is broken into the minced meat, salt, pepper are added and mixed well. A baking sheet is lined with cling film, and minced meat is laid on it, with a layer thickness of not more than 1.5 cm. A chopped egg, finely chopped greens and garlic cloves are poured on top of it. The roll is rolled up, placed in foil and baked in the oven for 30 minutes. at 180 degrees.
- Chicken breast. 1 broiler chicken breast rubbed with salt. Then cut the basil, cilantro, dill and mix. 4 cloves of garlic are added there, 0.5 tsp each. lemon juice, red and black pepper. All this mixture is laid in pre-made cuts on the broiler breast. It is placed on a baking sheet and baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
- Eggplant with garlic. 2 medium eggplants are cut lengthwise into halves, put on a wire rack and put in the oven. The baking temperature is 180 degrees. After 1 hour, they are taken out and rubbed with garlic. Then the halves can be cut into pieces.
How to get out of a diet
The answer to this question lies in the following principles:
- In 4 weeks, a woman's body gets used to fractional nutrition, consisting of small portions of certain foods, so you should not immediately exclude them from your menu and double the portions, as well as switch to three meals a day.
- Do not eat 3 hours before bedtime.
- Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.
- It is also not recommended to consume alcohol, sweet and very fatty foods for 2 weeks, as their intake into the body can lead to malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This food will need to be introduced gradually.
Reviews and results
The egg diet gives excellent results - from 10 to 25 kg of excess weight “leaves” in 4 weeks . Judging by the reviews, the egg diet has another plus - a prolonged effect. It can last from several months to a year. True, many who lose weight after a diet without a shudder could not look at citrus fruits and eggs. But the result was worth the effort. Reducing weight by 10-20 kilograms in 30 days is only half the reward for a month of dietary "torment". The bonus will be a few more months of stable weight.
Advantages and disadvantages
Main advantages:
- has no age restrictions;
- the magic of the diet lies in a stable weight figure after it ends, if the rules for exiting it are followed, i.e. calories will increase gradually;
- no need for daily calorie counting;
- very simple and affordable dishes;
- the possibility of using a certain product in an unlimited amount, if a specific norm is not set;
- no need to take additional vitamin-mineral complexes. The components necessary for health enter the body with food;
- the woman does not experience hunger;
- weight begins to decrease already in the first days;
- it is allowed to use salt and some spices, so the food will not be tasteless.
No matter how wonderful and magical the diet is, it also has the following disadvantages:
- it is necessary to strictly observe the menu for four weeks;
- the basis of the diet includes citrus fruits and eggs, which are the most allergenic foods;
- it is not always convenient to combine this technique with work, since in the first 2 weeks it requires eating at a clearly defined time.
The problem of weight loss always worries women. To solve this issue, the Maggi diet for 4 weeks was developed, the menu of which is described in detail in the tables. It allows a woman not to remain hungry and at the same time lose weight well. Its magic is that the lost kilograms do not return if you follow all the conditions for leaving the diet.
Why is the base eggs?
The traditional product contains only 45 kcal, provides long-term saturation, is combined with the main nutrients. Included in the menu of recovery programs for chronic as well as acute pathological conditions. A variety of diet options allows everyone to choose the best option for an egg diet for 4 weeks.
Beneficial features:
- contains beauty vitamins A, E, help to maintain youth, elasticity of the integument, strength, radiance of hair;
- B vitamins are responsible for the state of the nervous system, regular intake provides resistance to stress, a stable psycho-emotional state;
- biotin is involved in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates, with a deficiency of the latter, there is an active breakdown of body fat, which is noticeably reflected in body volumes;
- lutein has antioxidant properties, prevents fatigue, stress, improves brain function;
- minerals are involved in the formation of tissues, stabilize the digestive system, increase immune properties, the intake of important elements allows you to increase efficiency, feel a surge of energy;
- amino acids ensure the normal functioning of systems and organs, weight loss does not occur due to the destruction of muscle fibers, only fat deposits are broken down, helping to create a beautiful relief silhouette.
The egg quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, for a long time you can stay full. It is completely absorbed by the body, combined with other proteins - meat, fish, dairy products. Allows you to achieve the desired harmony, the end result does not depend on the initial volumes. So you can lose weight by 20 kg or go through a “drying” to create a beautiful, embossed muscle frame. An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to get rid of toxins, toxins, normalizes the functioning of systems and organs.
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