Recipe for kohlrabi salad with photo
Kitchen utensils: bowl; knife; large grater; the spoon; cutting board.
medium carrot | 1 PC. |
Kohlrabi | 1 PC. |
Sour cream | 2 tbsp. l. |
Lemon | ½ piece |
medium cucumber | 1 PC. |
Various greens | 1 bunch |
Onion | 1 head |
Pepper, salt | taste |
Step by step cooking
- We take a small head of kohlrabi and cut off the skin with a special knife for peeling vegetables. It is more convenient and faster than usual. It doesn't matter what color your cabbage is. Both blue and green in the middle of white.
- We rub the cabbage on a coarse grater or for Korean carrots. We do this immediately in a bowl, so as not to shift later.
- In the same way, we clean and rub one medium carrot. Try to choose a "blunt" vegetable. It will be juicier and sweeter.
- Cucumber cut into thin strips or small pieces. Sometimes tart and bitter cucumbers come across. In order not to spoil the salad, I advise you to cut off the edge with a tail by about a centimeter and cut off the peel a little from this side.
- Finely chop a small onion.
- Finely chop a bunch of all kinds of greens: dill, blue or green basil, parsley. Spinach and lettuce are best torn with your hands.
- Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and pour into a bowl with vegetables. You do not need to do this immediately in the salad, as the bones can get there. Salt and pepper to taste. If you plan to season with mayonnaise, then be careful with salt.
- Put a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or mayonnaise and mix well. Can be seasoned with olive or vegetable oil.
- Serve with slices of rye bread or with any side dish.
video recipe
Watch the video for a very simple recipe for making kohlrabi salad.
Other options
- With an apple. Grate one green apple, carrot and kohlrabi on a coarse grater. Salt, pepper and season with sour cream or butter.
- With an egg. Hard boil one chicken egg. We cut it into cubes. Three vegetables on a grater and mix with mayonnaise.
- With cheese. Coarsely rub cabbage, carrots and a small piece of hard cheese and season with pepper, mayonnaise and salt.
- With nuts. Add crushed nuts to grated vegetables. Topped with olive oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper and mix everything.
- With vegetables and ham. Cut into strips a little ham, one boiled egg, kohlrabi, tomato and bell pepper. Add mayonnaise, chopped herbs and mix.
You can also add kohlrabi to broccoli salad. Feel free to experiment and add different ingredients. Any salad is considered an arbitrary dish, and each housewife prepares it in her own way.
Frozen kohlrabi can last almost a year! At the same time, vegetables completely retain their entire composition and beneficial properties. The maximum shelf life of frozen cabbage is 10 months.
For freezing, it is necessary to properly prepare the stem crop. The process of freezing vegetables consists of several stages:
- Cleansing the stem from the tops and peel. The tops are carefully cut off from the top, and the peel is removed in a thin layer.
- Cutting a head of kohlrabi into several pieces for easier storage and use.
- Placing vegetables in salt water. The concentrate should be prepared at the rate of one liter of water per two tablespoons of salt. The time of keeping the workpiece in salt water should not exceed half an hour.
- Extract cabbage from saline solution and rinse with cold water. It is recommended to wash vegetables under running water, as this will clean the product more effectively than washing in a container.
- Blanching for three minutes. To do this, the workpiece must be placed in a container with boiling water and cook for exactly three minutes.
- After removing from boiling water, vegetables are immediately immersed in ice water for several minutes.
After that, it remains only to wait until the product has completely cooled down, and then sort it into packaging containers and immerse it in the freezer.
Subject to all the rules for the use, harvesting and storage of such cabbage, you can regularly provide your family with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. And the pleasant taste of this product will allow you to pamper your family with new interesting and varied delicious dishes. Using the methods of harvesting a stem crop for the winter, you can not lack this useful substance even in the cold frosty months.
Recipe for stewed kohlrabi
Cooking time: 35 minutes. Servings Per Container: 4. Calorie content: 147 kcal per 100 g. Kitchen utensils: bowl; whisk; knife; pan; cutting board.
Kohlrabi medium | 2-3 pcs. |
Chicken eggs | 4-5 pcs. |
Any greens | 1 bunch |
Spices, salt | taste |
Vegetable oil | 50-70 ml |
Garlic (optional) | 2 cloves |
Step by step cooking
- We clean 2-3 heads of kohlrabi of any color from the peel and cut into strips.
- We heat the pan and pour 50-70 ml of oil on the bottom. We put the cabbage and simmer under the lid over low heat until it becomes soft. It tastes very similar to cauliflower.
- Crack 4-5 eggs into a bowl. Sprinkle salt and spices. Take a whisk and whisk a little.
- Finely chop the greens: dill, basil, parsley and green onions. Put in a bowl and mix well. Add a couple of cloves of garlic if you like.
- Pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Stir occasionally. When the eggs are completely set, turn off and serve.
video recipe
From kohlrabi, you can quickly cook a delicious dinner for the whole family. Watch the video to see how easy it is to do.
There are a lot of vitamins in any cabbage, so it is recommended to include it in your diet, especially in winter. The site has recipes by which you can cook “broccoli in a pan” or cook healthy and vitamin “broccoli soup with chicken”.
First meal
Kohlrabi soup can also be firmly included in the diet, both children and adults will like it. It can have the consistency of mashed potatoes or be presented in a more familiar form - like a broth with vegetables. One of the most popular recipes is with chicken.
For him, you need to take 1 kilogram of meat and cook the broth. After the water boils, you need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon and add the carrots and onions. Cook on medium heat for another half an hour, then add bay leaf and black peppercorns. When the broth is ready, it must be filtered and left for further preparation. Heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the chopped onion in it. When it becomes golden, add a little broth, as well as vegetables cut into strips: a head of kohlrabi and 2 potatoes. After another 5 minutes, you need to pour all the remaining broth into the mixture and bring to a boil over high heat. Then add spices to taste. And cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat. Then add chicken pieces and a head of cauliflower, disassembled into inflorescences. Cook everything until done, about 10 more minutes. Then pour in the cream
Of course, making kohlrabi this way may seem daunting the first time around, but it's really just another element in the most common recipe.
Delicious kohlrabi casserole
Cooking time: 65 minutes. Calorie content: 175 kcal per 100 g. Quantity: 2 servings. Kitchenware: grater; knife; baking dish; cutting board.
Carrot | 3-4 pcs. |
Kohlrabi | 1-2 pcs. |
Onion | 1 PC. |
Any greens | 1 bunch |
Spices, salt | taste |
Leaves and celery root | optional |
Mayonnaise | of necessity |
hard cheese | 80-110 g |
Garlic | 2-3 slices |
Tomato | 2 pcs. |
Step by step cooking
- We clean and cut into small strips 1-2 heads of kohlrabi. You can even cut this straw into several pieces.
- In the same way, chop one large onion.
- Peel 3-4 carrots and cut. If you have a food processor, you can chop all the vegetables in it.
- Finely chop 2-3 cloves of garlic and a bunch of fresh herbs. A very tasty casserole is obtained with celery leaves. And its root can also be cut into strips and added to vegetables. But this is optional, because not everyone likes its smell.
- Cut two tomatoes into thin rings.
- Lubricate the bottom of the baking dish with mayonnaise. We spread the cabbage and lightly coat with sauce. We make a carrot layer and grease again. Followed by onions with garlic and half the greens. Lay out the tomato slices. We cover everything with cheese slices or rub a piece of cheese on a grater.
- We send the form to the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-190 °. We take out the cabbage casserole, decorate with the remaining herbs and serve immediately.
video recipe
For a detailed description of the kohlrabi casserole, see the recipe for the video.
Incredibly delicious gratin with kohlrabi, carrots, onions. A very simple and delicious recipe. Gratin
You may also like the Broccoli Casserole or the delicious Broccoli Chicken.
Delicious soup puree at home
Low-calorie dish suitable for absolutely everyone. Great option for vegetarians.
- kohlrabi cabbage - 1 head;
- cream - 120 ml;
- parmesan - 85 g;
- butter;
- zucchini - 1 pc.;
- salt.
- Peel vegetables. Chop into cubes.
- Place in skillet. Pour in oil. Fry. Move to a saucepan. Pour in water and boil. Sprinkle with salt.
- Pour in the cream when the vegetables are soft. Take a blender. Whisk. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
How to choose kohlrabi
This type of cabbage is green or purple. Outwardly, kohlrabi looks more like a turnip or some kind of root crop than cabbage. It is given out only by sprawling leaves typical of this vegetable. A few simple tips will help you choose the right ripe and usable heads
- The size of the white-green fruit should not exceed 10-12 cm, and the optimal weight is approximately 150 g. In the purple species, these values \u200b\u200bmay be slightly higher. Fruits that are too large are usually already overripe and very hard.
- There should not even be small spots on the surface. Such a vegetable may be rotten inside.
- Soft and sluggish kohlrabi is unfit for consumption. In the first case, it is completely spoiled and inedible, and in the second, it is dry and tasteless.
- Cracks indicate excessive watering and tasteless pulp.
- Regardless of the color of the skin, its flesh is snow-white.
Choose smooth and firm fruits. Only in this case you can fully enjoy their taste.
Korean kohlrabi cabbage
This cooking variation will help you gain strength and saturate your body with vitamins.
Kohlrabi cabbage is one of the most amazing vegetables that is undeservedly overlooked by housewives who do not know how to diversify their family's diet. Outwardly, it resembles at the same time both a cabbage with a head of smaller sizes than a white one, and a turnip, the resemblance to which this vegetable gives a thin stem. It is the stem that is eaten by her, which has a characteristic taste reminiscent of an ordinary cabbage stump. But unlike the stalk, the stem crop does not have a characteristic sharpness, and therefore can be eaten by both children and adults.
Unlike other members of the white head family, kohlrabi was bred in the Eastern Mediterranean as early as the first century BC. A hundred years later, the sweet stem crop became widespread in Central Asia, and then in Central and Northern Europe.
At first, this stalk crop was perceived with suspicion in the Old World, however, after the nobility tasted its unusual taste and appreciated its properties, it gained immense popularity. Like everything unusual in those days, this product became a symbol of wealth and good position - only noble and wealthy residents of Europe could eat it.
In Russia, kohlrabi appeared relatively recently - under Peter the Great. The king, while on a trip to Europe, at one of the overseas receptions tasted unprecedented food, which he liked so much that he wanted to bring it to his state. So this amazing stem crop appeared in our country, known not only for its interesting structure and pleasant taste, but also for its many useful properties and qualities.
Beneficial features
In just 100 g of this vegetable, vitamin C is slightly less than the required daily allowance. In addition, it contains phosphorus, a lot of calcium and iron. Thanks to this, bones are strengthened and hemoglobin is normalized.
There are also vitamins A, PP, B1 and B2 , which are very useful for our body, including the nervous system and vision. Various enzymes and fiber have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Tops are used in the complex treatment of lung diseases. Dietary qualities and easy assimilation allows you to safely give this product to young children.
Kohlrabi partially loses its beneficial properties in cooking recipes with heat treatment. Therefore, it is recommended to use it raw: in slices or in vegetable salads. It is also useful to make juices from it.
Many more delicious dishes can be prepared from this healthy and unusual vegetable. If you have your own options, be sure to tell us about them in the comments.
In a slow cooker
Modern housewives strive in every way to simplify their lives, and cooking is no exception. Multicookers have become a great help for those who do not like to stand at the stove for hours. Slowly but surely, this miracle device “masters” all new recipes and ingredients, and kohlrabi is no exception.
Depending on which model is available, you can cook a lot of things: excellent stew with zucchini and broccoli, soups, pies, etc. By the way, the aforementioned kohlrabi in creamy sauce can also be made in a slow cooker.
Of course, many housewives say that dishes prepared in an unconventional way are not so tasty, but in this way you can save a huge amount of time and effort, as well as save a maximum of vitamins, which is especially true when it comes to kohlrabi. How to cook and with what to combine this vegetable, probably, each housewife will decide for herself, starting from the tastes of her family.
The shelf life of snacks depends on how they are prepared :
- Frozen vegetables keep up to 8 months. They are not re-frozen.
- Dried kohlrabi is stored for up to a year. She is kept in a dry, dark, ventilated place.
- Sauerkraut and salted cabbage are stored for up to 5 months in the refrigerator, cellar or on the balcony.
- Canned vegetables are left in the pantry or cellar. They will not spoil within 2-3 years, but it is better to eat them in 1 season.
Selection and preparation of kohlrabi
To get a delicious snack, it is important to choose the right main ingredient . Fundamental rules:
- Late varieties of any cabbage have denser flesh, are stored longer and remain crispier in snacks. Therefore, they are suitable for conservation and salting.
- It is better that the edible part of kohlrabi is the size of a tennis ball. This speaks of its ripeness and sweet taste. Too small cabbage will be bland, and too large will have a "cotton" texture.
- If the stem has dark and rotten spots, cracks, mold and other signs of disease, it is not used for harvesting. Otherwise, the product will quickly deteriorate.
- The stem crop should be resilient, firm and smooth. Sluggish specimens have long been on the counter, have lost most of their useful properties and are not suitable for harvesting.
Preparing kohlrabi for cooking is easy :
- The stem crop (round large part) is cleaned of leaves.
- Wash cabbage with cold water.
- Peel by thinly cutting off the peel and cutting out suspicious formations.
Storage conditions
You can store cabbage in the following conditions:
To do this, remove the stems and leaves from the cabbage, and lay the heads of cabbage in a dense layer in a box, roots down. No need to wash the vegetables, just shake them off the excess soil stuck to the roots. Heads in a box can be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, and then covered with a layer of film. This will allow the cabbage to keep its freshness longer. Do not wrap the boxes too tightly - the vegetable may begin to rot.
If you can't find storage boxes, you can sprinkle a layer of sand on the cellar floor and stick the heads of cabbage into it so that the stalk is at the bottom. Do not place them close to each other, let there be a small distance between them. You can hang heads of cabbage on a rope. The cellar should have a temperature not higher than 0 degrees and high humidity - at least 90-95%.
The cabbage should be peeled and finely chopped. The finished mass is laid out in bags and sent to the freezer. Before packing, the vegetable can be blanched for 3-4 minutes.
Kohlrabi is an unpretentious and vitamin-rich vegetable that anyone can grow in their garden. In our country, it has not yet received due recognition, while in Europe it is known everywhere and eaten with pleasure.
Kohlrabi is very similar to turnips, but in fact it is one of the varieties of white cabbage, which has a high content of vitamin C. Let's see why kohlrabi is so useful, how to grow it, and what recipes for cooking exist for the winter.
Composition and calories
Kohlrabi cabbage is on the list of the most vitamin-rich vegetables. This culture was very popular even during the prosperity of the Roman Empire. The product was valued for its high nutritional properties and the ability to quickly restore strength. Therefore, juicy fruits were used to prepare hearty dishes for the soldiers.
Centuries have changed, and with them taste preferences, but Mediterranean cabbage remained the main product of the diet of people around the world.
In recent years, domestic amateur gardeners are also willing to grow a healthy vegetable on their plots. The main advantage of kohlrabi is that even after long-term storage and freezing, its composition does not change. We list the main active substances:
- The vitamin complex includes almost the entire group of vitamins B, retinol, tocopherol, folic and nicotinic acid. But ascorbic acid or vitamin C deserves special attention. The content of this component in cabbage turnips is so high that even a lemon cannot compete with a vegetable in this indicator.
- Mineral elements: sulfur, molybdenum, boron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and a long list of substances in this group. Moreover, in terms of calcium content, kohlrabi is not inferior to such popular products as eggs, milk and cheese. And there is more potassium and magnesium in stem turnips than in apples and seaweed.
- Antioxidants are also present in an amazing vegetable. Of particular note is selenium, which provides antioxidant protection for the entire body.
- Insoluble fiber (cellulose) provides cleansing of body tissues from bile acids and cholesterol. The presence of this component in food inhibits the absorption of fats with carbohydrates, and also prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.
- Glucose and fructose not only form the taste of a vegetable, they provide energy for all biochemical processes. According to the content of natural sugars, kohlrabi surpasses even strawberries and carrots.
- There are vegetable proteins in the Mediterranean cabbage, but there are very few fats in the vegetable - about 1.2%.
The most surprising thing is that with such a rich set, the calorie content of a vegetable is slightly more than 40 units. Therefore, kohlrabi enjoys special authority among nutritionists.
Good to know:
The uniqueness of the cabbage turnip lies in the fact that, with a low calorie content, the fruits are distinguished by high nutritional values. Simple vegetable dishes from Mediterranean cabbage are very satisfying.
Storage conditions
You can store cabbage in the following conditions:
To do this, remove the stems and leaves from the cabbage, and lay the heads of cabbage in a dense layer in a box, roots down. No need to wash the vegetables, just shake them off the excess soil stuck to the roots. Heads in a box can be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand, and then covered with a layer of film. This will allow the cabbage to keep its freshness longer. Do not wrap the boxes too tightly - the vegetable may begin to rot.
If you can't find storage boxes, you can sprinkle a layer of sand on the cellar floor and stick the heads of cabbage into it so that the stalk is at the bottom. Do not place them close to each other, let there be a small distance between them. You can hang heads of cabbage on a rope. The cellar should have a temperature not higher than 0 degrees and high humidity - at least 90-95%.
The cabbage should be peeled and finely chopped. The finished mass is laid out in bags and sent to the freezer. Before packing, the vegetable can be blanched for 3-4 minutes.
Kohlrabi is a botanical variety of cabbage. This plant, unlike traditional cabbage, does not use leaves, but a round stem, which is rich in vitamin C, potassium and sulfur. The flesh of the vegetable is juicy tender with a pleasant aroma. It boosts immunity, has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
Such cabbage is especially useful to eat in winter. To stock up on vitamins, delicious snacks are made from vegetables for long-term storage. The article presents recipes for cooking kohlrabi cabbage for the winter with a photo.
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