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3 to 30 day drinking diet - what to drink and how much you can lose


What is a drinking diet

Drinking diet is an effective method of losing weight, which allows you to remove the fat layer and put the body in order. Also, the diet helps to normalize the work of the stomach, stabilize muscle tone. The drinking nutrition system provides for the following goals:

  • reducing the level of load on the digestive tract;
  • stabilization of the digestive organs;
  • a decrease in the percentage of body fat in the body;
  • weight adjustment.

Some nutritionists consider the drinking diet to be quite aggressive due to the fact that a person will have to give up solid food for a while. But there are also advantages here - in a month you can lose from 15 to 20 kg.

Important! When losing weight in the usual mode, this result will have to wait 9-10 months.

Types of drinking diets

The drinking diet is divided into several types depending on its duration:

  • for 1 day (unloading day);
  • 3 days;
  • 7 days;
  • 14 days;
  • 30 days.

Doctors believe that the seven-day diet is considered the most benign. A monthly diet has a more aggressive effect on the human body and can lead to the development of adverse reactions.

The real impact, why the technique is dangerous

What are the harms and benefits of a drinking diet? Therapists and nutritionists unanimously say that this method of losing weight can cause serious health problems, even if initially all organs were in excellent condition. Therefore, everyone must decide for himself whether it is necessary to lose 15 kg per month, if then you have to spend years on a treatment that is not always effective.

The creators of the diet promise the following: in the first days of the diet, hollow organs, namely the intestines, bladder and stomach, are cleansed of toxins and toxins, then harmful compounds leave the dense organs, and at the last stage (last week) there is a cleansing at the cellular level.

This statement is a beautiful myth from the first to the last word. You should start with the fact that in medicine there is no such thing as toxins and toxins. Ask any doctor how to get them out of your body and you'll hear a lengthy lecture on how to stop believing the big hype and pay attention to the things that really matter.

Slag is a waste product of the mining industry. This awe-inspiring term has been used by dietary supplement makers to boost sales of their products.

Interesting! Neither in anatomy, nor in dietology, nor in other areas of medical science, there is such a thing as toxins, and therefore there is nothing to remove from the body.

Toxins do exist, they enter our body with food, air and water. However, for their removal, just the above-mentioned hollow organs are used, which cope with their task, unless a person is sick with a serious incurable disease, in which there is hardly time to think about your own figure.

Thus, a drinking diet does not remove toxins from the body. It really contributes to the appearance of lightness in the stomach, which the creators of the technique position as a sign of cleansing the body, but try not to eat anything at all all day, and the result will be the same.

In favor of the developers of the methodology, one can only say that they carefully advise to consult a doctor before starting a drinking diet. They argue that only absolutely healthy people with a prepared body can withstand such a technique. It is silent about how exactly it is possible to prepare him for a hunger strike lasting a month.

In addition, the creators of the diet recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes during weight loss to make up for the deficiency of nutrients that used to come with food. But do not flatter yourself - pharmaceutical preparations will not be able to satisfy the need for such components even at a minimal level in the absence of solid foods on the menu.

How much can you throw off in a week and a month

The level of weight loss depends on the characteristics of the human body. The final figures are influenced by factors such as:

  • age of losing weight;
  • the presence of certain pathologies in the body;
  • general condition of the body.

Usually in a week people manage to throw off from 3 to 7 kg. In a month, you can get rid of 10 to 20 kg.

How to sit on a drinking diet: the rules

Before you start losing weight, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of rules that will help you achieve a more productive result:

  • A drinking diet requires strict adherence to the regimen and eating at the same time. Nutritionists do not recommend breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at different times. A maximum difference with the usual time of 10-15 minutes is allowed.
  • During weight loss, you will have to abandon harmful products: smoked meats, rich products, carbonated drinks, fast food, chewing gum. The emphasis should be on products such as natural juices, broths, vegetables, fruits.
  • On a drinking diet, you can drink natural black coffee and tea, it is better to give preference to green teas without aromatic additives.
  • In the process of getting rid of extra pounds, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Every day, a losing weight person needs to consume at least 2 liters of clean water (you can dilute it with lemon or lime juice).
  • The last meal should take place 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The drinking diet is regarded by many nutritionists as extreme. This is due to the rejection of solid foods, which are rich in vitamins, saturated acids and minerals. Due to a deficiency of nutrients, the human body may experience stress, therefore, to prevent the development of adverse reactions, it will be necessary to use auxiliary vitamin complexes.

Attention! Sports can help speed up the weight loss process. Moderate physical activity will make the body toned and elastic.


It is difficult for the body to adjust to the use of liquid foods instead of ordinary foods. It will be much easier to follow the regimen if you prepare for it first, and this will positively affect the result. Rules:

  1. A week before switching to a drinking regime, you need to abandon semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, other sauces, smoked meats.
  2. For three days before the diet, make up a diet exclusively of fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is desirable that it be buckwheat and oatmeal. Stop drinking sugary drinks, drink more water.
  3. Gradually reduce the portion size so that the stomach gets used to the reduction.
  4. Limit yourself to unsweetened fruits and green tea the day before going hard.

What you can eat and drink: a list

The list of allowed foods on a drinking diet is actually very meager. Losing weight basically need to eat liquid food: broths, soups, drinks. It is allowed to add solid food to the diet with severe hunger. Most often it is used during snacking.


During the period of burning excess weight, nutritionists are allowed to use the following products:

  • Milk drinks. At the same time, they should have a low percentage of fat content. From dairy products you can drink kefir, fermented baked milk, whey.
  • Natural juices based on orange, apple, tomato.
  • Mineral water (low and medium carbonation).
  • Tea without sugar. It is best if it is white or red and without auxiliary additives.
  • Fruit jelly.
  • Smoothies and milkshakes are homemade with minimal sugar.
  • Vegetable broths without spices and with a minimum amount of salt.
  • Broths prepared on the basis of low-fat meats.

Important! Losing weight people are allowed to drink natural black coffee (preferably in the morning). You also need to give up cocoa, carbonated drinks.


Solid food can be eaten during the snacking period, when an attack of a strong feeling of hunger is felt. Snacking will help keep your diet from falling apart. The list of eligible products includes:

  • hard cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

You can also snack on fresh berries or a small handful of nuts. The total calorie content of solid foods eaten should not exceed 300 kcal per day.


The drinking diet menu is approximately the same for 7 or 14/30 days. Each day of weight loss is dedicated to the use of only one type of product. It is this separate principle of nutrition that allows you to quickly and effectively lose extra pounds for a long time.

For 3 days

Diet for 3 days helps to lose extra 2-3 kg. To achieve a positive effect, you need to adhere to the following diet:

  • 1 day. During the day you need to drink only non-carbonated mineral water.
  • 2 d. All day you should drink milk drinks with a low percentage of fat in the composition.
  • 3 days. It is necessary to drink natural juices 1-2 glasses per meal.

Attention! You need to leave the diet by gradually introducing habitual food into the diet and increasing the daily calorie intake by 100-200 kcal.

For a week

A seven-day diet is considered the most effective and safe. It allows you to get rid of 5-7 kg. How to eat to lose weight:

  • 1 day. Drink low-fat dairy products: yogurt, fermented baked milk, kefir.
  • 2 d. Eat meat or vegetable broths.
  • 3 d. Drink natural vegetable or fruit juices.
  • 4 d. Drink green tea without sugar.
  • 5 d. Drink jelly from fresh fruits and berries.
  • 6 d. All day you need to drink homemade compotes.

On the seventh day, you need to eat berry or fruit smoothies, a losing weight person is also allowed to eat some cheese or nuts.

For 10 days

To lose weight in 10 days, you should adhere to the following menu for every day:

  • 1 day - dairy products with a low percentage of fat content;
  • 2 days - broths: vegetable or meat;
  • 3 days - juices from vegetables or fruits;
  • 4 days - teas without sugar;
  • 5 days - jelly from fruits and berries;
  • 6 days - compotes;
  • 7 days - juices, smoothies, jelly;
  • 8 days - vegetable or meat broth;
  • Day 9 - dairy products.

Important! On the tenth day of losing weight, you can drink natural juices, and for lunch, eat a vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower oil.

For two weeks

The principle of nutrition for fourteen days remains the same as the weekly one, only doubled. The menu looks like this:

  • 1, 8 days - dairy products;
  • 2, 9 days - broths;
  • 3, 10 days - juices;
  • 4, 11 days - teas;
  • 5, 12 days - jelly;
  • 6, 13 days - compotes or juices;
  • 7, 14 days - jelly, compote, vegetable salad.

If a feeling of hunger appears, then you can satisfy it with a small amount of nuts or fruits / vegetables.

For a month

The monthly weight loss complex is based on the same principle as the weekly / two-week diet for weight loss. The only amendment is that with long-term hard weight loss on a drinking diet, you can mix some foods in one day. For example, on a milk day, you can add some berry smoothies or green tea.

A month is considered a long enough period for a drinking diet, so a person may begin to experience a strong feeling of hunger. To satisfy it, you can eat a little vegetable salad in the morning. At the same time, the main percentage of food eaten per day should be accounted for by liquid products.

The correct output depending on the duration of the diet

The correct way out of the diet helps not only to consolidate the result of losing weight, but also to keep it for a long period. After losing weight on a drinking diet, it is forbidden to immediately start a full-fledged diet and introduce junk food into it. This can lead to the formation of digestive pathologies and subsequent weight gain.

To get out of the diet, you need to gradually add forbidden foods to your menu and increase the daily calorie intake by 100-150 kilocalories. It takes from 1 to 3 weeks for a competent exit from the drinking system.


Drinking diet is not among the balanced and healthy , it can be followed for no more than a week, so as not to harm your own body. The classic thirty-day option is not approved by any doctor, so those who decide on such a nutrition system act at their own peril and risk. A plumb line of 15 kg is not so much, such a result can be achieved with proper nutrition and regular physical activity. Let it take longer, but health will not suffer.

Reader's story "How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months"All my life I was fat, suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores, I chose size L, which turned into XL by the age of 25 and continued to grow. I can talk for a long time about how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strikes, physical activity, even pills and some conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or non-existent. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation with its enormous weight. But one day I came across ... a chocolate bar that helps to lose weight! It cost me nothing to try it - I love chocolates. Ordered and ate. And the weight went down!! It looks like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue, and understood how it all works. Girls try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course.

Menu Recipes

Below are recipes for delicious drinks and liquid dishes that you can make at home.

Berry kissel

For cooking you need:

  1. 1 kg of fresh berries (raspberries, currants, strawberries), rinse and sort.
  2. Pour the fruits with 1.5 liters of water.
  3. Put the mixture on a slow fire.
  4. Boil berries for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour 5 tablespoons of starch into a glass of water, mix the mixture.
  6. Pour the starch into the pan with the berry mixture, mix.
  7. Wait for the drink to boil.

Kissel needs to be given time to insist. After that, it can be served hot or cold.

vegetable broth

To make vegetable broth:

  1. Assemble a set of vegetables of your choice. It can be carrots, onions, peppers, celery.
  2. Rinse the prepared raw materials and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  3. Pour the resulting mass of 1-1.5 liters of water, put on medium heat.
  4. Wait for the broth to boil, make the fire weaker.
  5. Add a little salt, bay leaf, herbs to the dish.

After 20-30 minutes of slow simmering, remove the broth from the stove.

Note! Cooked vegetables can be used to make salads.

fruit compote

To prepare compote, you should:

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients. It can be apples, pears, peaches, apricots.
  2. Wash fruit and cut into medium pieces.
  3. Put the workpiece in 1 liter of boiling water (in a saucepan).
  4. Add some sugar and lemon zest.
  5. Boil the fruit for 5-7 minutes and turn off the workpiece.

The resulting compote will need to be filtered and poured into jars.

How to stick to the rules on a drinking diet and not break loose: tips

In order not to break loose, you can use the following tips:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • play sports or at least do simple exercises to work out the muscles of various groups;
  • before eating, drink a glass of water to deceive your stomach;
  • do not use a drinking diet more than 2 times a year for weight loss.

Important! In order not to break loose and hold out on the drinking system, you can make small snacks from vegetables, fruits or cheese. However, a complete diet should consist of liquid foods.

A drinking diet for 7 days or more is an effective weight loss system that helps you lose up to 20 kg. The diet is considered quite rigid, so nutritionists do not recommend sitting on it for more than 7-10 days. Otherwise, you may face negative consequences.


Drinking diet is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Hypotension and hypertension.
  4. Renal failure.
  5. Period of pregnancy , lactation (breastfeeding).
  6. Cannot be used by those who are prone to puffiness.

With a weakened immune system and in the postoperative period, the use of any diets is strictly prohibited. For the effective use of a limited table, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude factors to contraindications in order to avoid negative consequences.
