Because of the rising summer temperatures, nutrition and diet are becoming more and more important. Experts advise that you should eat heavy meals in the afternoon in order for your metabolism to function optimally, and experts also warn to drink a lot of water.
Endocrinologist and metabolic disease specialist Dr. Daoud Chios said: “Pay attention to the foods eaten during the summer months. Heavy meals should be taken at lunch.
Time for breakfast, lunch and dinner - time
The human body is significantly impacted by fatty and heavy meals consumed in the summer, increased fruit consumption, and water loss through perspiration. Dr. Daoud Khios, an endocrinologist and metabolic specialist at Mardin Training and Research Hospital, shared information about the figure with his nutrition class in attempt to prevent this.
Chewing gum advised against eating too many carbohydrates, avoiding large meals later in the day, and eating only as much fruit as would fit in the palm of your hand while drinking plenty of water.
Noting that the area experiences hot and dry weather, Dr. Chios said, “Diabetes, blood pressure and obesity are all at very high levels in our community.
Approximately 15 percent of our community has diabetes, and up to 30 percent of patients in the period Pre-diabetes and insulin resistance More than 30 percent of us have high blood pressure We are already the first to be obese in Europe When this is the case we must pay attention to our fluid intake, especially with the effect of hot weather We must We drink 2-2.5 liters of fluid a day.
The most important thing is that we take this liquid in the form of water and not in the form of soft drinks.Because the other solids in the liquid we drink with soft drinks cause us to pee and get rid of this liquid.Our bodies are still dehydrated.That's why We need to keep our water intake within 2-2.5 liters.”
Noting that heavy foods should be avoided, Chios said, “We need to stay away from fried foods and fatty foods in particular. We need to stay away from foods that we call carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates.
It will be better if we consume less foods that we basically call simple carbohydrates. What are the foods that we call simple carbohydrates, and what we put in our mouth are the things that give a sweet taste in general. For example, for breakfast, what could these be, foods such as jam, honey.
We need to consume them as little as possible. The sugar we put in tea is also a simple carbohydrate. For breakfast, we need to eat foods such as tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese. We should also keep our bread intake at a certain level.
We should not be deprived of it, and it would be wrong to consume it at a very high level. If we are going to have a heavy meal at dinner, Instead of eating late in the evening and being uncomfortable, it would be more reasonable to eat it at noon in hot weather.
Taking a heavy meal to noon will be better for both our digestion and metabolism. Because we are on the move, it will be easier for us to burn that food. But as I said, taking a heavy meal to noon and eating a heavy lunch are two different things.
We will try not to eat heavy meals as much as possible, but we can take our heaviest meal to noon. It is important that we eat vegetables-based, more comfortable, lighter, digestible meals for dinner. However, it would be right not to eat dinner especially after 18.00 and 19.00.
Taking a heavy meal to noon will be better for both our digestion and metabolism. Because we are on the move, it will be easier for us to burn that food. But as I said, taking a heavy meal to noon and eating a heavy lunch are two different things.
We will try not to eat heavy meals as much as possible, but we can take our heaviest meal to noon. It is important that we eat vegetables-based, more comfortable, lighter, digestible meals for dinner. However, it would be right not to eat dinner especially after 18.00 and 19.00.
Taking a heavy meal to noon will be better for both our digestion and metabolism. Because we are on the move, it will be easier for us to burn that food. But as I said, taking a heavy meal to noon and eating a heavy lunch are two different things.
We will try not to eat heavy meals as much as possible, but we can take our heaviest meal to noon. It is important that we eat vegetables-based, more comfortable, lighter, digestible meals for dinner. However, it would be right not to eat dinner especially after 18.00 and 19.00.
It is important that we eat vegetables-based, more comfortable, lighter, digestible meals for dinner. However, it would be right not to eat dinner especially after 18.00 and 19.00. It is important that we eat vegetables-based, more comfortable, lighter, digestible meals for dinner. However, it would be right not to eat dinner especially after 18.00 and 19.00.
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