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Getting rid of women's belly fat after 35 years is a quick secret to

 Nothing happens if you do not make your new rules of nutrition and life, your habits that bring you not only benefit but also pleasure. Basic rules and habits of harmony, health and youth.

Getting rid of women's belly fat after 35 years is a quick secret to

1. Morning begins with a glass of clean non-carbonated water at room temperature.
2. Plan breakfast no later than an hour after waking up.
3. Coffee: It is NOT recommended to drink in the morning on an empty stomach or drink it with any meal!
4. Lunch; the main meal is between 13:00-15:00. Must include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Breakfast, lunch and dinner ; main meals, it is not recommended to skip them.
5. Pure periods of time WITHOUT FOOD are recommended to be maintained as follows:
 a) with 3 meals a day (without snacks); 4-4.5 hours;
 b) with 3 meals a day with 1-2 snacks ; about 2-3 hours between all meals. Always start from the needs of your body, but remember that the chosen diet should be followed systematically!
6. Night sleep:  it is important to go to bed before 23:00. The fulfillment of this prerequisite will ensure the good functioning of hormones and will greatly facilitate the process of losing weight, in general.

7. Active:  be sure to be active throughout the day, complete the daily norm of 10,000 steps.

8. Learn to distinguish physical from emotional hunger: You should only eat if you feel a physical need for food, learn to ignore the desire to just chew something minimize possible stress, which will also help control the real feeling of hunger during the day and, in fact, satiety during meals

9. Rest: a separate important point in the process of losing weight and organizing a healthy lifestyle. Find time for rest during the working day and at home, practice meditation and relaxation 
A rested body recovers better.
We stretch out on the floor, press our palms, the back of the head and back to it.

We bring our legs together, bend them at the knees. We take a breath. As you exhale, raise your legs, without unbending your knees, trying to reach them to your chest.

The rest of the body remains motionless, the upper part is still pressed to the floor. Raise your legs as far as the stretch allows you, and freeze in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Then we return to the starting position, take a breath. For one lesson, the exercise must be repeated at least 15 times. In order not to get hurt and not wake up the next day with pain all over your body, any workout must begin with a warm-up.

Here you can perform different exercises, the main thing is that they are aimed at stretching and give a load on all muscle groups. If you don’t know any of these, we advise you to use the standard dancer’s warm-up.

How to quickly remove the stomach of a woman after 35 years

The best way to lose weight without a diet to remove the belly of a woman after 40 years is how to put your body in order at home.

 Remember, it is impossible to lose weight only by playing sports.
 Sports and physical activity accelerate the process of losing weight, make your body toned, your skin elastic, but without proper nutrition, all this will not happen.

 Therefore, the first thing to do if you want to get rid of belly fat or extra pounds is to review your diet and food intake. classes should be systematic and regular, the only way to improve the body and temper the spirit.

Going in for sports should become a habit, because after 30 the body is no longer so easy to cope with ailments. In order to strengthen the body and health, it is necessary to take good care of yourself, to teach yourself self-discipline;

Combine the two previous exercises. Two sets of 10 times.
Lateral twisting: Lie on your back with your legs bent and your hands behind your head.

We extend our elbow to the opposite knee. The other elbow is on the floor.

We also perform 2 times 10 times.
Longe Curl: Lie on your back, pull your legs into the pelvis, and behind your head.
We tear off the shoulders from the floor, pull one knee to the chest. Then lower and extend the leg.
 The number of exercises as above.
 Swinging toes: Touch the floor with your legs alternately bent over your back.

 bike. Everyone knows exercise.

 Raising the legs: lying on the stomach, we rise on our elbows, put our legs on our toes, and, in turn, raise them to the height of the thighs, holding them for a short time.

 Ring rotation is one of the most effective ways to train your abdominal muscles.

It is better to start with a light hoop, gradually moving to a heavy hoop. Do at least 15 minutes twice a day.

The hoop is rotated clockwise, with the legs shoulder-width apart or together, be sure to bend slightly at the knees, and straight the back.
Simple twist: Lie on your back with your legs bent, hands behind your head, tear your shoulders off the floor, tighten your stomach muscles, and hold for a while.

Repeat 10 times, rest, 10 coffee times. Coffee has long been famous in cosmetology as an active fat-burning agent, as it enhances metabolism, exfoliates dead skin and stimulates blood circulation.

For packaging, you will need only three tablespoons of freshly ground natural coffee, which must be diluted with warm water until a thin slurry is obtained.

Abdominoplasty after 35 years to lose weight

Principle: The consumption of foods containing fats and carbohydrates should be reduced.

A prerequisite is 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day, because.
The body loses a lot of fluid. It is recommended to use vitamin complexes at the same time.

Allowed foods: meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, egg whites, cabbage, pumpkin, peppers, cucumbers, herbs, tea without sugar.

Only the integrated approach works. If the diet is not followed, then the muscles enlarged due to exercise begin to put pressure on the upper layers - the layer of subcutaneous fat and the skin. In this case, cellulite gets worse.

Abdominoplasty after 35 years to lose weight

However, it must be remembered that before using the exercises described in the article, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if there is a disease such as arterial hypertension.

 In the morning, after charging, you should start taking a warm bath that will help prepare the muscles for their increased activity and remove the resulting lactic acid.

If it is not possible to visit a doctor before the start of training, then you should definitely start with a minimum load on the cardiovascular system, and for this, exercises are selected from the initial lying position.

A specific and advanced exercise such as the plank is added later, after a week or two, if the stress after training, as well as during the day, remains satisfactory and does not exceed the target values.

The hormonal background can also be disrupted due to the constant nervous vibration at work and at home.

 At the same time, a person may have an unhealthy appetite - he, as it were, eats his troubles and troubles, and the result is extra centimeters in the abdomen and waist.

 But this is not the only effect of stress - for this reason, sleep is disturbed.

 It is known that if there are problems with night rest, the amount of a hunger hormone such as ghrelin increases.
 Due to its effect, it is no longer possible to deprive yourself of fatty foods and sweets.

 In addition, stress leads to an increase in the level of cortisol, which is directly responsible for the accumulation of fat in the sides and abdomen.

 Both women and men, who are obese or have recently lost several kilograms of weight, have a deformation of the fat of the skin of the abdomen.

 In women, the cause of the formation of a fatty apron of the skin can be pregnancy, which led to the prolapse of the anterior abdominal wall and the divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles.

 After a surgical delivery by caesarean section, folds of fatty skin hang over the stitches.

Remove the belly of a woman after 35 years without dieting

If you exercise and eat a balanced diet, you will not see immediate results, but after a few weeks, belly fat will go away.

When you reach your goals, keep doing the exercises, even increase the number of repetitions or the duration of the seconds in the plank, superman, bike and hoop exercises to support your muscles and keep you in good shape. - an effective exercise for the apron of the abdomen.

Stand straight, place your hands in front of your chest, put your feet shoulder-width apart.

When turning to the side, draw in the stomach as much as possible, tensing the abdominal muscles.

Returning to the starting position, exhale to free the stomach and chest from the air completely.
Do the exercise slowly, controlling your breathing.
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