How to use kefir and yogurt?
It is also known that kefir, which has countless benefits, delays aging, prevents urinary tract infections and alleviates depression. This miraculous drink can be made at home or mixed with homemade yogurt.
KefirandyogurtThey are quite healthy due to the beneficial bacteria they contain. However, kefir may be a better choice as it has a wider variety of microorganisms. Expert Dietitian Zülal Yalçın gave information about the subject.
Ready-to-eat kefir and yoghurt are widely available in the market aisles. Some people with lactose intolerance can safely consume fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir in general.
This is because the fermentation process reduces the lactose content. A person can first make their own yogurt or kefir at home using their culture.
After the person has fermented the milk using kefir grains, he strains and removes the grains. It stores the grains for use in the next fermentation process.
People can eat or drink kefir and yogurt as they are. However, they can add the products to smoothies or breakfast cereals.
It is very important not to heat kefir or yogurt, as this process can destroy beneficial bacteria.
People should always keep fermented milk products refrigerated and not use them after the expiration date on the package.
Fermented foods such as kefir and yogurt contain high amounts of a substance called histamine. Some people are intolerant to histamine and may experience symptoms such as:
- headaches
- skin irritation
- Diarrhea
If a person has a low tolerance for histamine and any of the bothersome symptoms, it may be best for them to avoid yogurt and kefir. Some people may experience gas and bloating the first time they consume foods containing probiotics.
These decrease as a person's gut gets used to new foods. Fermented foods can have an effect on the immune system, so people taking immunomodulatory drugs should consult a doctor before trying new products.
As a result;
Kefir and yogurt can be very healthy in a person's diet. Kefir may have more health benefits than yogurt because of the greater variety of bacteria and yeast it contains.
People have the option of buying suitable products from grocery stores or making their own kefir or yogurt at home, this will be more cost effective.
Over time, the production of yogurt and other cultured dairy products has evolved from basic procedures to more controlled processes.
Advances in the scientific understanding of bacteria and the human microbiome mean companies can develop new products to benefit people's health.
A person trying fermented foods for the first time should do so gradually to reduce the risk of any side effects.
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