With the onset of cold weather, and even in early autumn, you always want to have a warming agent on hand that will allow you to warm up quickly and efficiently, prevent colds, and also enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma. An excellent tool for this will be for many years a well-known alcoholic drink called mulled wine. It will not be difficult to prepare such a miracle with an incredible taste and smell, it is available to everyone, and the components for it are sold in almost any store. The real recipe for mulled wine does not hide any special secrets, but it does not hurt to get to know the nuances of manufacturing better. We invite you to explore six simple, but really great, options, among which you will definitely find what you like the most.
Honey drink with cinnamon
Photo from the site: Xcook.info
The most popular for many people is the recipe for mulled wine with honey and cinnamon, which is very fragrant and warming. The bee product is very useful, it contains a huge amount of all kinds of vitamins, trace elements and minerals that will help raise the tone of the whole organism, as well as qualitatively increase the level of immunity, which is also very important.
Please note
Initially, all simple recipes for mulled wine, which have been known since the time of Ancient Rome, were a kind of tincture on wine. Nobody warmed up the drink, and even more so, did not boil it, but honey, spices and other components were added even then. The Germans learned how to prepare the drink in a different way, but if you want to keep all the beneficial properties of honey, then it is also better to refuse to boil. However, this bee product can be added at the final stage of production, when the liquid is cooled to 45-50 ° C, in which case the honey will keep all its "usefulness" intact.
Composition and ingredients
- Red wine to taste - 0.75 liters.
- Natural bee honey - 180-200 grams.
- Purified water - 200 grams.
- Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks.
- Allspice black pepper - 2-4 peas.
- Cardamom, cloves - optional.
Cooking method
This honey mulled wine recipe is really simple and affordable, and you don’t need any special ingredients. Wine for him is better to choose red dry or semi-dry. If you want to get a cooler drink, you can also use fortified, but then you will have to drink it carefully so as not to get tipsy. Keep in mind, mulled wine never boils, but only warms up well, if you forget about this, you will get an unpleasantly smelling, strange liquid, not a warming drink.
Photo from the site: liveinternet.ru
It does not hurt to pay attention to the selection of honey, it must be natural, and not a surrogate, otherwise it will hardly be possible to achieve the desired effect. For a similar recipe for mulled wine with honey, buckwheat or acacia honey is great. In the recipe, it is added immediately, but if you want to keep all the useful qualities of the product, just add it directly to glasses or mugs before use.
- Cinnamon and pepper, as well as other spices of your choice, for example, cardamom, are poured with cold water and put on fire.
- Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for another minute or two over low heat.
- The broth should stand well, for 15-20 minutes.
- Wine is added to the resulting infusion, and the vessel is put on fire again, after which honey is added to it.
Photo from the site: berestoff.ru
It is necessary to closely monitor that the honey does not burn, and the wine does not boil, otherwise all this will have to be simply poured out. It is best to warm the wine to a temperature of no more than seventy degrees, until air bubbles begin to rise to the surface. Remove the finished drink from the heat, strain and pour into mugs or cups. You need to use it hot, you can bite with cookies or sweets. This is the easiest mulled wine recipe that you can think of, so there should definitely not be any difficulties.
Other cooking recipes
Mulled wine does not have a recipe for cooking according to uniform standards, drink lovers are given complete freedom of action and everyone can cook a drink to their taste. Only the cooking process is inviolable, it cannot be deviated. Mulled wine, a recipe for cooking at home, is represented by a huge number of options.
cold orange recipe
In the case of mulled wine, alcohol can be useful, for example, as chokeberry tincture. In addition to the warming effect, it contains vitamins necessary for a weakened body.
- red wine - 1 bottle;
- orange - 1 pc.;
- black pepper - 3 peas;
- carnation - 5 stars;
- cinnamon, ground 0.5 tsp;
- honey - 1 tsp
Some add salt to the composition, but this is exclusively for an amateur. To properly prepare mulled wine at home, according to this recipe, you need to prepare an orange. The fact is that the peel of store-bought fruits is waxed to keep the fruit as long as possible. If it is not removed, then it will dissolve in a hot drink and enter the body. Simply erasing or washing it off will not work. You need to lower the orange in hot water for 5 minutes, and only then prepare it for a drink.
Cut the orange into slices or whatever is more convenient and place in a saucepan. We pour wine. Pour all the spices listed and heat slowly. Remember that in no case should the liquid boil. Remove from heat and let steep for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to strain and pour into mugs. For colds, you need to drink before going to bed.
Mulled wine with honey and lemon
Another original recipe for mulled wine with fruit. For cooking you will need:
- a bottle of red wine;
- a quarter of a lemon;
- honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
- cinnamon stick.
The cooking process is slightly different, in this case we heat only wine and lemon. Cinnamon and honey are added after the drink is heated and already removed from the heat. Let it brew for a few minutes and pour into mugs.
The drink turns out traditionally warming and tasty. This recipe has a lot of variations, instead of lemon, you can add any other fruit. Not necessarily citrus.
A simple recipe for mulled wine in case there is no fruit to complement the drink. It requires a minimum of ingredients, but has a very interesting combination.
- red wine - 1 bottle;
- black tea - 1 liter;
- cinnamon 0.5 tsp;
- cloves 3 gr.
First you need to make tea. Packaged and flavored tea is absolutely not suitable. You need to take natural loose brewing of black leaf tea, only in this case you will get the desired drink. We brew tea and filter it to get rid of all the tea leaves.
Pour the tea into a container prepared for heating (do not take aluminum containers, it will spoil the taste of mulled wine). Add wine, bring to a boil and add spices. The peculiarity of this recipe is that the resulting mulled wine can later be heated. Therefore, do not worry that the recipe produces an impressive amount of liquid.
Now it will not be difficult for you to cook mulled wine, the recipe for cooking at home is presented in a variety of options. As mentioned above, the drink does not have a strict recipe. Everyone can experiment and add or remove spices and fruits to their taste. Mulled wine will perfectly warm you up on cold winter evenings.
Apple Mulled Wine Recipe: Flavors of Autumn
For many people, the recipe for mulled wine with apples is directly associated with cool autumn evenings, when it is so nice to sit with a cup of warm drink on the veranda, watching the breeze carry pretty yellowed fallen leaves around the garden. It also does not require any special skills and abilities, and the components of the drink are available to everyone.
Photo from the website: legkovmeste.ru
Composition and ingredients:
- Semi-dry red wine - 0.75 liters.
- Large apples (red or green) - 1-2 pieces.
- Cinnamon - 2-3 sticks.
- Carnation - 3-4 roses.
- Honey - to taste.
Cooking method
Just like the previous one, this is an alcoholic mulled wine recipe based on red wine. If desired, you can choose the most suitable brand, and experiments with the strength of the drink are quite acceptable. You can take dry wine, or you can stop at fortified wine, but dilution with water is not considered in this option, because mulled wine turns out to be rich and even somewhat thick.
Photo from the site: 24tv.ua
- Wash the cooked apples well, cut them into small slices, and cut out the cores with the seeds.
- Put all the spices, as well as apples, in a small saucepan and pour over the wine.
- Place the container on a slow fire and stir constantly until the liquid warms up to 61-68 degrees. It is worth maintaining this temperature for five to seven minutes so that the spices and apples give their taste and smell to the drink.
- Remove the saucepan from the stove, cover with a lid and let stand for ten minutes until it cools to 40-45 ° C.
One or two teaspoons of honey are poured onto the bottom of a glass or a large mug, after which it is poured with still hot mulled wine. Having thoroughly chopped the honey, the drink can be consumed, it turns out to be fragrant and tasty like no other.
Mulled wine with ginger: recipe and recommendations
Various additives to wine make its taste more intense and unusual, but when it comes to components such as honey or ginger, they also bring benefits to the whole organism. Mulled wine with ginger, spices and honey will be an excellent warming agent for colds, sore throats and even sore throats, it will help fight coughs and runny noses, and this drink tastes very pleasant and somewhat piquant.
Photo from the site: HeaClub.ru
Composition and ingredients:
- Sweet red wine - 1 liter.
- Freshly grated ginger - 1 heaping teaspoon.
- Natural honey - 1 tablespoon.
- Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks.
- Cardamom and cloves - 2-4 pieces each.
Cooking method
To prepare such a drink, you must first crush the cardamom seeds so that they better convey the smell of wine. You should also remember about honey, which is heated together with wine in the recipe, but if you want to preserve its healing qualities, then you need to add it only after the liquid has cooled to at least fifty degrees.
Photo from the site: RussianFood.com
- Wine is poured into the container and put on fire, where it warms up a little.
- To the wine, first add cardamom, ginger and let it warm up a little.
- Next, you should put honey and watch closely that it does not stick to the bottom of the vessel at all. If this happens, you can immediately pour out the liquid and start again.
- Five to ten minutes later, cinnamon and cloves are added, after which the wine is heated to a temperature of seventy degrees.
It is necessary to warm up the mulled wine with ginger for no more than five minutes, after which it must be removed from the heat, strained and poured into mugs. Drink this drink, like all other options, hot.
When there is a reason, mood, desire and appropriate weather, why not indulge yourself with a wonderful classic mulled wine. I suggest you consider the best recipe for making a warming drink. In the classic version, we use dry red wine, ideally French Bordeaux, and of course stock up on a set of spices and spices to make the taste rich, rich and collect all the best properties that mulled wine can give us.
For cooking, we need for 1 serving:
- Dry red wine - 150 ml.
- Star anise - 1 piece
- Cinnamon - 0.5 sticks
- Cardamom - 1 box
- Carnation - 3 inflorescences
- Allspice - 1 pea
- Buckwheat honey - teaspoon
- orange peel
If you need more servings, increase the ingredients by the number of glasses. In the classic version, two cooking methods can be used. The first is when spices are separately infused in hot water, and then added to wine. In the second version, spices are heated along with alcohol. If water is used, then the ratio of liquids is 1:10. Those. if you have a 0.7 liter bottle of wine, then 70 ml of water will need to be used. The amount of ingredients that I have given are calculated for 150 ml of wine, so there is no washing off the water to heat separately. If you do more, then choose any option. Moreover, water will help dilute the strength of the drink.
Pour wine into a saucepan or saucepan and immediately add spices for mulled wine: star anise, cloves, cardamom, pepper and cinnamon.
If you do not have a thermometer, you can determine the degree of heating of the wine by the appearance of the first rare bubbles on the surface. Initially, make the fire small so that the wine warms up smoothly and evenly.
Alcohol heats up very quickly, so stay tuned. As soon as the heating has occurred to the desired temperature, turn off the stove and add a spoonful of honey.
At the very end, we throw a thin strip of orange zest. For convenience, cut with a vegetable cutter. You can replace the orange with a tangerine and add a piece of apple.
Do not pour directly into a glass. We let it brew under the lid for 15 minutes and then filter through a sieve.
This is how quickly and simply we prepared classic mulled wine with you. Now the task is to free your head from everything superfluous, wrap yourself in a blanket, and if you are rich in a rocking chair, then in general the picture will be complete. Sit down and enjoy a delicious and fabulous drink at your own pace. Warm up your body and soul.
Recipe for mulled wine with lemon: the sun in a glass
Another simple, tasty and healthy mulled wine recipe involves the addition of overseas fruits such as lemons. This drink turns out so fragrant that all citrus lovers will definitely like it. The composition also contains honey, and you already have the recommendations above regarding its use.
Photo from the site: AmazingWoman.ru
Composition and ingredients
- Red wine (dry, semi-dry, sweet) - 0.75 liters
- Lemon - 1 piece.
- Sugar or honey - 1-2 teaspoons with a slide.
- Carnation - 2-3 roses.
- Cinnamon - 1 stick.
- Nutmeg - to taste.
Cooking method
Preparing such a drink is no more difficult than all the others, but first you need to prepare citrus. The lemon must be washed, dried with a napkin, squeezed out the juice, and the zest and peel are finely chopped with a knife or chopped with a blender.
Photo from the site: HeaClub.ru
- Pour all the wine into a saucepan and put on a slow fire.
- When it warms up a little, add lemon and its zest, as well as sugar or honey, to the container.
- The next step is to pour all the spices and spices into the drink.
- The liquid should never boil, but it is necessary to warm it up to sixty-eight or seventy degrees.
Just like all previous options, lemon mulled wine is consumed exclusively hot. Before serving, it does not hurt to strain it so that the zest and spices do not interfere with enjoying the spicy citrus flavor of the drink. Many consider this to be the most delicious mulled wine, the recipe of which does not contain complexities or unusual ingredients.
What you need to know first: how to cook mulled wine at home
Many have heard ear cream, how to make mulled wine at home, but they do not have exact information, because this drink did not come to us from our history. They say that there is documentary evidence that even the ancient Romans dabbled in mulled wine, however, they prepared it without heating, simply adding a variety of spices and spices to cold wine. Moreover, they cooled the wine before drinking, that is, we can say that it was a kind of soft drink.
You need to know that you can cook mulled wine at home in various ways, and the classic recipe is already on the site. However, there are many options, for example, using white wine, based on sweet or semi-sweet red, various spices, fruits, berries, spices, combining them in various proportions.
Modern variants of mulled wine appeared in the territories of Western Europe, from where they have already come to us. Moreover, there are a huge number of ways to prepare this invigorating drink, and only you can choose what you like the most. Anyone can figure out how to cook mulled wine at home, even those who have absolutely no experience, not only in this regard, but in general in cooking. The main thing is to clearly follow the technology and follow simple tips and tricks, and then everything will work out for sure.
- Usually mulled wine is prepared in two stages, for which you will have to use special utensils: a cezve for spices, as well as a stewpan with a thick bottom. You can get by with an ordinary saucepan, the main thing is that the drink does not burn.
- Different recipes for how to make mulled wine at home involve diluting wine with water, or using it in its pure form, this is normal.
- Wine must be aged at a high temperature, 70-80 degrees Celsius, but it cannot be boiled. As soon as the foam disappears from the surface, the brew must be removed immediately.
- Most often, recipes indicate dry red wine, but this is only your choice, you can take semi-sweet and even sweet. Moreover, some people add a little cognac to mulled wine, which makes it stronger and more aromatic.
- The combination of spices can significantly affect the taste and usefulness of the drink, so you should choose only what you really like, because there are people who do not tolerate cardamom or cinnamon at all.
It is worth knowing that cinnamon, lemon zest, ginger and nutmeg will make the drink somewhat gingerbread, delicate and just right for dinner with your loved one.
Cardamom, star anise and cloves are sharper, so you need to throw them into wine with caution, it’s better to play it safe and not miscalculate, because their strong smell will kill anything. To finally figure out how to make mulled wine at home, a few fairly simple recipes will help, with which you must be a good hostess
Mulled wine with grapefruit - a recipe without bitterness
If you think that grapefruit will give the drink an unpleasant bitterness, then you are mistaken. This exotic fruit gives it some mystical and magical notes, and the apples used in the recipe dilute the saturation, making mulled wine extremely fresh and pleasant to the taste.
Photo from the site: BabyBen.ru
Composition and ingredients
- Red wine (to taste) - 1 liter.
- Purified water - 0.5 liters.
- Granulated sugar - 150-180 grams.
- Grapefruit - 1.5-2 pieces.
- Large apples - 2 pieces.
- Cinnamon - 2-3 sticks.
- Carnation - 5-6 roses.
Cooking method
Apples, as well as grapefruits, should be thoroughly washed, wiped with a napkin or paper towel, and then cut into small slices, removing the seeds. They can give the drink an unpleasant bitterness, and we definitely don’t need this.
Photo from the site: HeaClub.ru
- Pour sugar, cinnamon, and cloves into a saucepan and fill it all with water.
- Put the bowl on the fire and stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- The fire must be reduced to the weakest, and then add the wine of your choice to the liquid.
- Avoid boiling the composition, it must be cooked over low heat for five to ten minutes.
- Pour the pre-cooked grapefruit slices and apples into the dishes and cook for another five minutes.
The finished drink will need to be filtered, if necessary, add honey to it, pour into glasses or glasses and serve hot.
The main components of mulled wine
Proper preparation of mulled wine from red wine involves heating an alcoholic drink (both pure and diluted with water) along with spices. It is thanks to this technique that the product got its name, which means “flaming (fiery) wine” in German. Of considerable importance is also how to cook mulled wine. The liquid must be warmed up over low heat and under the lid.
Despite the fact that red wine mulled wine recipes can be found in different variations, the composition is almost always the same:
- there must be wine;
- spices;
- fruits can be added to emphasize the aroma of the finished drink;
- sometimes other alcoholic drinks are included in the recipe.
Cognac for mulled wine - a miracle of miracles
The recipes proposed above are enough to enjoy an unusual drink for us, very bright and fragrant, and also with healing properties. However, for real gourmets, for a snack, it is worth voicing another recipe - mulled wine with cognac, so unusual that even experienced Germans click their tongues admiringly when they try it.
Photo from the site: Povar.ru
Composition and ingredients
- Dry red wine - 0.75 liters.
- Cognac to choose from - 0.15 liters.
- Lemon (for zest) - 1-2 pieces.
- Cinnamon, cloves and cardamom - three-quarters of a teaspoon.
- Nutmeg - 1 teaspoon without a slide.
- Honey - to taste.
Cooking method
Wine must be mixed in the selected saucepan with lemon zest. You can also choose an orange for this purpose, the taste will be slightly different, but also very pleasant, so it's worth doing a few experiments.
- Put the container on a slow fire and warm up for ten minutes.
- Add spices and spices to the drink. Everything must be thoroughly stirred without interruption so that it does not stick to the bottom of the vessel. You need to warm up at a temperature of 68-70 degrees, for another fifteen minutes.
- Just before the end of cooking, you need to pour cognac into the mixture, give it another one or two minutes and remove it from the heat.
Photo from the site: HeaClub.ru
It remains to strain the drink, pour it into glasses, add honey to taste and you can serve it with sweets, chocolate or cookies. Such a drink turns out to be quite strong, so you need to use it with caution, because hops can easily hit your head.
Summer camping mulled wine
Summer camping mulled wine
Delicious wine with spices cooked in a pot on a fire is a great addition to outdoor recreation. Freshly picked berries and herbs can be added to the drink. In addition, mulled wine goes well with barbecue or fried fish.
- dry wine in cardboard packaging - 1 liter;
- a set of spices for mulled wine - 1 pack;
- sugar - 6 cubes;
- lemon - half;
- fresh berries - a couple of handfuls;
- raspberry leaves, lingonberries - optional.
We kindle a fire in advance, but not very large, in order to control the heating of the drink. Pour wine into the pot, add spices and sugar and heat, without bringing to a boil, until the sugar dissolves. Next, put the sliced \u200b\u200blemon and berries, cook for a few more minutes, approximately at a temperature of 80 degrees (small bubbles should appear on the walls and steam should begin to form). We remove the pot from the fire, add the washed leaves and leave the mulled wine to infuse near the fire so that it does not cool down for 20 minutes.
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