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-25 kg in six months: our reader's true story

 50% of the female population sooner or later begin to ask themselves the question: how to lose weight? Some try to lose 5 kg, some 10, but there are girls who try to lose more, especially before holidays or important events. They are looking for effective, quick ways to lose weight, trying to create their own diet menu. But unlike amateurs, smart girls try to learn from professionals how to lose 15 kg in a week. But it should be borne in mind that very rapid weight loss threatens to worsen the condition, problems with the kidneys, liver.

How much can you lose 15 kg

The answer to this question is ambiguous, it depends on the input, which includes a person’s desire to reduce weight, his diet and menu, physical activity, etc. Some people can easily lose up to 10 kg per month, for others it will be a very difficult test and overwhelming load. It is worth considering the general health of a person who is trying to lose weight. Rapid weight loss can adversely affect a person's health.

For a prepared body, it takes about two months to burn 10 kg of excess weight. It is possible to achieve brighter positive results only with a rational approach to this process. To do this, you must adhere to proper nutrition, exercise and eat a balanced diet. The main thing is the right motivation, and the mono-diet is considered the most effective.

Is it possible to lose weight at night?

Oddly enough, it is possible to lose weight overnight, but preparation for sleep is needed. The body is resting at this time, although most body systems are working. Energy requires the work of the nervous system, metabolism, the functioning of internal organs. Growth hormone is often used by athletes, because it is responsible for burning excess fat, muscle mass and weight loss. And this process starts at night - after midnight. Stimulating the work of the hormone helps physical activity, the rejection of carbohydrates, a decrease in the number of calories consumed. Good sleep also promotes weight loss. A person who sleeps little has an increased appetite. And sleep that lasts more than 10 hours provokes the accumulation of adipose tissue, so the best option for the duration of sleep is 7-8 hours. To improve sleep, you need to turn off gadgets, ventilate the room and turn off all light sources. It is recommended to take a short walk before going to bed.

What to drink at night?

There are several drinks that strengthen sleep, as well as stimulate metabolism at night, which helps to lose weight:

  • milk;
  • ginger tea with lemon;
  • the grape juice;
  • chamomile tea;
  • kefir;
  • water with honey and cinnamon;
  • golden milk drink.

This recipe will help speed up fat burning;

  1. Grind in a blender: cucumber + parsley + aloe juice + lemon + grated ginger.
  2. Add half a glass of water.
  3. Drink before bed.

Of course, you should not hope for a guaranteed result. Drinks are just one element of a healthy lifestyle that improves metabolism.

How to lose 15 kg

Before starting the process, you should set yourself a task with full responsibility and honesty and answer the question: what result do you want to see in the end? If you have recovered after the holidays or want to lose some extra pounds, you should not go on a rigid diet - you should only adjust your weight a little with a light diet. In the case when you weigh 60 kg and want to lose 15 kg, then it can be dangerous for your health (such weight loss can cause serious diseases in the future, it will not create a beautiful figure for you).

It is worth taking the problem of excess weight very seriously, and especially how to lose 15 kg in a short time. The basic rules for proper weight loss are: a set of actions that can provide a healthy approach, proper nutrition, exercise, morale for quick and harmless weight loss. So, to achieve your goals, you need two main components:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sport.

Proper nutrition

To start proper nutrition, you need to completely revise your diet: the body should not be deprived of useful substances, but you should not overload it with unnecessary ones. There should be a restriction in food, especially fatty. The number of meals should be increased up to 6 times a day: in this case, fat will not be deposited, and metabolic processes will work much better and faster. When losing weight try to eat up to 3 times a day - this is very harmful and detrimental to the body.

With a traditional diet, you should not completely forbid yourself all sweets, you just have to reduce their consumption to a minimum. But if you set yourself the goal of losing 15 kilograms in a month, then you will have to completely abandon some products, change the usual way of heat treatment. A diet for quick weight loss of 15 kg allows the use of sugar substitutes. Once a week, you should spend a fasting day for the body: during this day you can eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, and drink water much more than normal.

So, do not fry or smoke food in a large amount of oil, it is better to boil or bake food. With such a diet, it is forbidden to eat the following types of food:

  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • salty;
  • confectionery;
  • protein;
  • flour and pasta;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • fast food;
  • dairy and sour-milk products of high fat content;
  • sweet drinks with gas;
  • energy and alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • cigarettes (even electronic);
  • sausage, ham, bacon.


For the period of the diet, special attention should be paid to physical activity and gymnastics. Moreover, you can not only work out in the gym and fitness center, but create your own workouts in everyday life. For example, these types of exercises can be:

  1. If you live in a high-rise building, it is not necessary to use the elevator - climb the stairs to your floor .
  2. Walk to and from work at least twice a week (this will help in creating a slim figure).
  3. After waking up, do not immediately jump out of bed, but do a few basic warm-up exercises (sipping, lifting the pelvis, legs, warming up the arms, etc.).
  4. If you have a sedentary job, try using this for weight loss - at least a couple of hours a day, work standing , occasionally stretching on tiptoe.


Mono-diet is especially effective for fast weight loss. The bottom line is the consumption of one product throughout the day. You need to eat often and in small portions, as well as a lot of liquid. The best results are given by such products as:

  • cabbage;
  • watermelon;
  • carrot;
  • buckwheat;
  • kefir;
  • apples;
  • rice;
  • eggs;
  • cucumbers.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method of losing weight:

removal of excess fluid and harmful substancesa large number of contraindications
metabolic accelerationmaximum result - 2 kilograms
adipose tissue does not accumulaterisk of side effects
stimulation of digestion and metabolismsevere bouts of hunger
normalization of blood sugar

If it is very difficult to stick to a mono-diet, you can diversify the diet with such products:

  • loaves;
  • oatmeal;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • berries.

A diet for 1 day may include two different products, such as cottage cheese and kefir or an apple and carrots. Drinking diet is another method of losing weight. It involves eating only dishes in liquid form: broths, juices, teas, compotes. You can drink only one water during the day, but this method is allowed only for completely healthy people. Despite the chosen type of diet, the following foods should be excluded from the diet;

  • confectionery;
  • bread;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • canned food;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces;
  • fast food;
  • smoked products;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • pasta.

After completing the diet, you should exclude all harmful and fatty foods and eat only healthy natural food.

Effective diet for losing weight by 15 kg

How to lose weight by 15 kg? There are many ways to lose weight, they all have their taboos. But when you start choosing the most effective diet for yourself, it is worth remembering that debilitating hunger strikes will by no means be useful in this matter either for your body or for your moral state. Naturally, this method will help to lose those extra pounds, but after a while they will return. Starvation will simply slow down the metabolic processes of the body. There are several time intervals for a diet: a week, a month, 3 months, half a year, etc.

For a week

You can distribute meals at your discretion. The main rule is that you can eat no more than 500 calories per day. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to eat foods such as salt, sugar, fatty foods. The daily menu might look something like this:

  • Breakfast - 150-200 g of fat-free cottage cheese (proteins).
  • Lunch - boiled egg (1 pc.) And bread, tea.
  • Dinner - 200 ml of low-fat kefir.

For a month

In order to achieve a result of minus 15 kg per month, you must give up fast carbohydrates, fatty foods, sugar and salt.You need to eat every 3 hours, but not more than 300 g of food at a time. The main rule is fasting days every 2 days. These days, you can eat only 500 g of buckwheat porridge or a liter of kefir (2.5% fat). Other food is prohibited. On the network you can find many reviews and diet options for losing weight in a month.

For 3 months

To lose weight by 15 kg in 3 months, it is not at all necessary to torture yourself with strict diets or exhausting physical exertion. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the correct diet (use no more than 1300 kcal daily) and devote about an hour to sports every day. You can choose a set of exercises for yourself or alternate classes in the gym with running, swimming or dancing. With this mode, weight loss in 3 months by 15 kg will pass without harm to health and additional loads.

Basic rules for losing weight

The quick effect of losing weight in one day or night is achieved by removing excess fluid from the body and cleansing the intestines. Eliminate body fat in such a short time is simply impossible. Also apply complete starvation or fasting day. It is considered safe for the body to lose weight no more than 150 grams per day. But such a small weight is not noticeable on the figure. There are different methods, both safe and dangerous.

Fasting days are considered safe, during which one or more natural products are allowed to be consumed. Dangerous practices include:

  • enemas;
  • laxatives;
  • teas and decoctions with a diuretic effect.

If these techniques are combined with a visit to the sauna and baths and a lot of physical activity, then you should be prepared for the resistance of the body. In some, indigestion, weakness, or a nervous breakdown occur. It is possible to lose 1-2 kilograms per day. Losing weight by 3 kilograms is possible in theory - this is a lot of stress for the body. Such extreme methods are used only when the body is completely healthy. It is also important to strictly follow the rules so as not to cause irreparable harm to health.

Cleansing the body - beetroot salad

Another effective way to lose weight overnight by 1 kg is to cleanse the body of excess toxins. For this you will need: glass and warm water.

Boil a large beet, wipe it on a fine grater. Drip olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly. Beetroot salad should be eaten before going to bed with a glass of warm water. In the morning you will not find 1 kg of your weight!

Why does beetroot work like this?

  • Beets are rich in fiber. When interacting with water, it swells in the intestines, "collecting" all the excess pollution. And, as you know, there are quite a few of them in the body;
  • Beetroot has a small amount of calories, but the body needs a lot of energy to digest it. Strengthening the work of the body - wasting extra calories.

For two weeks

You can also get rid of excess 15 kg in a couple of weeks with the help of a liquid diet. And again, the final result will depend on the initial weight. The principle of this diet is to use only fluids that help cleanse the intestines. For this purpose, low-fat broth, juices from vegetables and fruits, kefir are suitable. Just before going on this diet, it is recommended to visit a nutritionist so that he identifies the presence or absence of contraindications and develops a suitable diet.

Preparation stage (3 days)

Every day you need to drink at least two liters of non-carbonated water, unsweetened green tea (permissible with lemon), or a couple of cups of coffee.

Not every person can drink milk and kefir, so instead of these drinks, you can use vegetable and fruit juice, vegetable broth or liquid, not salty and not oily porridge, boiled in water. The recommended three-day menu will be offered below, where there are the following designations: breakfast - one, snack - two, lunch - three, afternoon tea - four, dinner - five.

First day1: buckwheat boiled in milk (1.5% nom) (sugar is not needed)
2: kefir 2.5% (half a glass)

3: vegetable soup (200 g), boiled chicken breast (70 g)

4: one apple

5: stewed vegetables (200 g)

Second day1: Oatmeal boiled with 1.5% milk (no sugar needed)
2: 2.5% milk (200 ml)

3: oven-baked chicken breast (150 g), a couple of cucumbers

4: apples and nuts (walnuts are best, 50 g)

5: fat-free cottage cheese (200 g)

The third day1: mashed potatoes, not salty and not oily (200 g)
2: kefir with 1.5% fat (half a cup)

3: grated carrot (200 g), a couple of teaspoons of honey

4: kefir 2.5% - 1 cup

5: mashed potatoes not salty and not oily (150 g), kefir 1.5% (200 ml)

Basic course (14 days)
For two weeks, you need to eat every hour, and do not skip meals so that the effectiveness of the diet does not decrease. Below is an hourly menu for 14 days.

8 ocloc'koatmeal decoction, boiled in half a liter of water from 100 g of flakes and filtered
9 o'clockvegetable broth
10 hourshot water with lemon juice (optional)
11 o'clockjuice from any fruit - 200 ml
12 hours1.5% kefir - 200 ml
13 hourshot water - 250 ml
14 hoursdecoction of berries or dried fruits - 250 ml
15 hourslow-fat chicken broth - 200 ml
16 hourshot water - 200 ml
17 hourshot water - 200 ml
18 hoursvegetable and fruit juice, diluted with water in a ratio of ¾ to ¼ - 250 ml
19 hoursvegetable broth - 250 ml
20 hourshot water - 200 ml
21 hours2.5% warmed milk or kefir - 200 ml

Completion stage (3 days)

This diet requires the right exit, and regardless of whether it was sustained to the end or ended ahead of time. It will also take three days, the menu for them is proposed below. Designations in the table: breakfast - one, snack - two, lunch - three, afternoon snack - four, dinner - five, what you can eat before bedtime - six.

First day1: thin mashed potatoes (200 g)
2: tea with mint leaves and lemon (glass)

3: grated carrot (200 g), a couple of teaspoons of honey

4: 2.5% kefir (250 ml)

5: zero-fat cottage cheese (200 g)

6: a glass of 1% kefir

Second day1: vegetables baked in the oven (any, 250 g)
2: kefir 2.5% (200 ml)

3: buckwheat boiled in water (do not add oil), fresh herbs

4: walnut kernels (50 g)

5: boiled rice (do not add salt and oil)

6: 1% kefir (250 ml)

The third day1: oatmeal boiled in 2.5% milk (200 g), a small spoonful of honey
2: 2.5% milk (200 ml)

3: vegetable soup (250 g), oven-roasted beef (70 g)

4: 2.5% kefir, loaf

5: cottage cheese 3% (150 g) and one apple

6: a glass of 1% kefir
