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Weight loss diet : meal, food table, and reviews

Weight loss diet : meal, food table, and reviews

 The Kremlin diet has been popular for many years, because it not only promotes weight loss, but also helps maintain the result.

  • Menu for the week
      First stage
  • Second phase
  • Low Carb Recipes
  • Contraindications
  • Features of the Kremlin diet
  • Rookie Mistakes
  • Video
  • All women want to have a slim and toned body. And the issues of beauty and harmony excite every representative of the fair sex. To achieve the goal, women go on diets, most of which are harmful to health.

    To lose weight and get rid of extra centimeters at the waist and hips, you need to choose a sparing diet that stabilizes the metabolism. One of the most popular and effective diets today is the Kremlin diet.

    Why did the diet get such a name? To answer this question, you need to go back in time.

    The history of the Kremlin diet

    Initially, the diet was known as the “American Astronaut Diet”, as the United States was actively developing a diet for astronauts. And the name "Kremlin diet" appeared after it became known that it was on it that party officials maintained their form.

    For quite a long time, this diet was under the strictest confidence, but a few decades ago it became known to the general public.

    Adhering to the strict rules of the Kremlin diet, it is really possible to lose up to 6 kg per week. If you choose a more sparing diet, then in 45 days you can lose up to 15 kilograms.

    The diet does not promise any fantastic results, like most newfangled diets. The main advantage of this diet is that the more excess weight, the more intense the weight loss. For the best result, it is necessary to include physical activity in the developed weight loss system.


    Maria, 20 years old

    I always had a good appetite, so by the age of 20 I had an extra 10 kg. A friend advised the Moscow method of losing weight, on which she lost 7 kg in a month. I used the system for 2 weeks, during this period I managed to get rid of 5 kilograms. I included more meat products in my diet, because. they contain the highest amount of protein.

    Elena, 30 years old

    After the second birth, I gained 15 kg, it became difficult to walk. I decided to follow a diet, I chose the most unhungry one - Moscow. She ate meat, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, sausages, vegetables and sausages. At first it was hard without sweets, especially in the evening. But after losing 7 kilograms in 3 weeks, there was lightness and a desire to move on.

    Anna, 37 years old

    The Moscow method of nutrition is the most effective. On it, I was able to easily get rid of 5 kilograms in a week. In addition, during its use, I never felt hungry, while food restrictions were almost never felt, because before that I always tried to consume less carbohydrate products.

    The essence of the Kremlin diet

    The basis of the diet is the principle of reducing carbohydrates entering the body. As soon as the body feels a shortage of carbohydrates, it begins to use the internal reserves of carbohydrates that are in body fat. And experts have found that the more reserves there are in the body, the more intense the weight loss is.

    The diet menu is very diverse and includes foods such as fish, cheese, meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals and more. The main thing is to monitor the amount of carbohydrates consumed. A certain amount of carbohydrates is allowed per day, so you need to strictly count points - 1 carbohydrate \u003d 1 point . Below is a detailed table with products and carbohydrates and a menu for the week.

    Kremlin - one of the few diets where you do not need to starve. The body does not experience stress and does not accumulate substances in reserve, but already consumes what it has managed to accumulate over a long time.

    How much can you eat "cu" to lose weight

    To lose weight, you need not only to remove all prohibited foods from the diet, but also to control the carbohydrate content in other foods. What should be the value of your diet?

    • For intense weight loss. To start the processes of fat breakdown, adjust the body to new nutritional rules, you can eat no more than 20 "points" per day. This diet is advised to stick to the first 14 days of the diet.
    • For weight loss without stress. At 40 "points" per day, the process of weight loss continues, but with less stress on the body. This number of points must be eaten in the second and third weeks of the Kremlin.
    • To fix the result. If the desired weight is reached, then you can keep in shape by eating according to the principle: 60 c.u. per day.
    • For weight gain. Form building occurs when a person eats more than 60 "points" per day.

    Reviews of the Kremlin diet testify: the results are visible even with a sparing approach to reducing the value of food. So, if your menu for 10 days will be based on the consumption of 40 c.u. day, it is quite realistic to get rid of the "ballast" of six kilos.

    Stages of the Kremlin diet

    • The first stage of the diet is designed for 14 days, and the total amount of carbohydrates that can be consumed per day is 20 grams.
    • The second stage can last from 4 to 6 weeks. The duration of this stage depends on the intensity of weight loss. Now every week you can consume 5 grams more until the total reaches 40. And if the weight continues to go away, then you can safely move on to the next stage.
    • The third stage involves adding 10 grams per week to the diet, but the total amount should not exceed 60. At this stage, you need to hold out for 2-3 weeks.
    • The fourth stage should consolidate the result. You can eat without special restrictions and prohibitions, but you must definitely monitor the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

    The first stage of the Kremlin diet is the most difficult. It is at this stage that the body learns to take energy not from food, but from body fat.

    About the risks: problems with immunity, mood and sleep

    The Kremlin diet has both supporters and opponents. It is impossible, for example, to deny the positive feedback from celebrities about this technique. So, according to the principles of the Kremlin, the American singer Madonna, the British actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, the American screen star Jennifer Aniston corrected the weight.

    But doctors do not share enthusiasm for low-carbohydrate diets, especially such long ones. And talk about the other side of the coin. What harm can the Kremlin do to your health?

    • Malfunctions in the digestive tract. Violations of natural digestive processes are possible. High risk of constipation and gas problems. Malfunctions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract affect the condition of the skin and hair. Sleep disturbances are recorded.
    • Load on the heart. The menu of the Kremlin diet is saturated with cholesterol, which can come back to worsening the condition of blood vessels and the heart.
    • Weakened immunity. By limiting the amount of vegetables and fruits, we reduce the amount of vitamins that are necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system.
    • The state of the "heavy" head. The lack of sweet foods affects brain activity. There is a feeling of slowness. In addition, sweets are needed to produce the hormone of happiness. Therefore, without getting them, losing weight is often in a depressed mood.

    There are, however, nutritionists who share the Kremlin's weight loss strategy. Such doctors say that the consumption of a small amount of carbohydrates is a natural norm for the human body, which has been violated by progress. So, our ancestors ate mainly the meat of animals and birds, ate seafood. And carbohydrates were "scooped" in modest amounts from berries and plants. Milk, bread, flour products - all this appeared on the table later, and it is quite possible to do without it.

    Now you have at your disposal a complete table of ready-made dishes of the Kremlin diet, as well as information about the possible results of such weight loss and potential risks. This method works, but is not very convenient and may not be safe. Therefore, before starting the Kremlin, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    Product table

    cherry plum1006.5
    A pineapple10011.5
    Borodino bread10040
    White mushrooms100one
    White dried mushrooms1007.5
    Chicken/meat broth5000
    Fruit waffles10080
    Waffles regular10065
    The vinaigrette100eight
    Buckwheat porridge10065
    Green peas1006.5
    Mushrooms (mushrooms)100one
    dried pear10049
    Pea soup50020
    Mushroom soup50012
    cabbage rolls100eight
    Mushrooms with sour cream1003
    diabetic bread10058
    jam diabetic1003
    Grain bread10043
    pasta casserole100fifteen
    Caviar black/red1000
    Squash Cavier1008.5
    Eggplant caviar1005
    Beet caviar1002
    Yogurt without sugar1003.5
    Yogurt sweet1008.5
    Chicken liver1001.5
    White cabbage1005
    red cabbage1005
    kohlrabi cabbage100eight
    fried potatoes10024
    Canned corn10014.5
    Chocolate candies10051
    candy fudge10083
    Dried apricots10055
    Pine nuts100ten
    Stewed cabbage1005
    Rye cakes10043
    Green onion1003.5
    Chanterelles (mushrooms)1001.5
    Wheat flour10068
    Rye flour10064
    Corn flour10070
    soy flour100sixteen
    Breaded meat1005
    Meat in batter1006
    sea ​​kale100one
    Vegetable oil1000
    Butterfish (mushrooms)1000.5
    Ice cream10025
    Condensed milk10056
    Pork legs1000
    Honey mushrooms (mushrooms)1000.5
    Sea ​​buckthorn1005
    Vegetable soup500sixteen
    Wheat bread100fifty
    Barley porridge10066
    beef liver1000
    curdled milk1003.2
    Bulgarian pepper1005
    Boletus (mushrooms) fresh1001.5
    Dried boletus100fourteen
    Boletus (mushrooms) fresh100one
    Dried boletus100thirteen
    Peppers stuffed with vegetables100eleven
    Stewed meat liver100eight
    Jam diabetic100nine
    Wheat porridge10066
    Mashed potatoes100sixteen
    Rye bread10034
    Riga bread10051
    Fish and canned fish1000
    Fish in breadcrumbs and batter10012
    fish in tomato1006
    Mushrooms (mushrooms)1000.5
    Vegetable ragout100ten
    Sweet straw10069
    Sour cream1003
    Curds glazed10032
    leaf lettuce1002
    celery greens1002
    celery root1006
    Morels (mushrooms)1000.2
    Russula (mushrooms)1001.5
    seaweed salad1004
    salted mushrooms1002
    Fat-free cottage cheese1001.8
    Fat cottage cheese1003
    Cottage cheese diet100one
    canned tomatoes1004
    tomato paste100nineteen
    Dried apricots10053
    Green beans1003
    Canned beans1002.5
    Grain bread10043
    bitter chocolate100fifty
    milk chocolate10054
    Chocolate with nuts10048
    Rosehip fresh100ten
    Dried rosehip10021.5
    cabbage soup50012
    Barley grits10066
    meat tongue1000
    Eggs1 piece0.5

    Table of seasonings and spices

    red wine vinegar1 tablespoon0
    straight herbs1 tablespoon0.1
    Horseradish1 tablespoon0.4
    capers1 tablespoon0.4
    Mustard1 tablespoon0.5
    Tartar sauce1 tablespoon0.5
    Pepper1 teaspoon0.5
    Cinnamon1 teaspoon0.5
    Ginger root1 tablespoon0.8
    apple cider vinegar1 tablespoonone
    Soy sauce1 tablespoonone
    white wine vinegar1 tablespoon1.5
    Barbecue sauce1 tablespoon1.8
    Vinegar1 tablespoon2.3
    Meat sauce in broth1/4 cup3
    Tomato sauce1/4 cup3.5
    Ketchup1 tablespoon4
    Cranberry Sauce1 tablespoon6.5
    Sweet and sour sauce1 tablespoonfifteen

    Beverage table

    Mineral water1000
    Tea without sugar1000
    Black coffee without sugar1000
    Wine dry100one
    Tomato juice1003.5
    carrot juice1006
    Apple juice1007.5
    Grapefruit juice100eight
    tangerine juice100nine
    Plum juice with pulp100eleven
    Cherry juice10011.5
    Orange juice10012
    The grape juice100fourteen
    apricot juice100fourteen
    Pomegranate juice100fourteen
    plum juice100sixteen
    Pear compote100eighteen
    Apple compote100nineteen
    Grape compote100nineteen
    Apricot compote10021
    cherry compote10024

    Menu for the week

    Sample menu for the first stage of the diet

    At the first stage of the Kremlin diet, you need to give up alcohol, coffee, sugar and sweets. You should also exclude potatoes, flour products and nuts.

    During the entire diet, you need to drink plenty of water from two liters per day.

    Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinnerSnackPoints
    MondaySimple scrambled eggs without greens from two eggs. Two slices of cheese and tea without sugar.Pickle without bread. White mushrooms in sour cream sauce. Green tea without sugar.Boiled and baked fish with seaweed salad. Black tea without sugar.A glass of milk.21.5
    TuesdayLow-fat cottage cheese with a spoonful of
    sour cream. If desired, replace tea with rosehip tincture.
    A small bowl of kharcho soup. Marinated mushrooms. Unsweetened tea.Braised cabbage with two sausages. Unsweetened tea.Unsweetened natural yogurt.20.5
    WednesdayScrambled eggs from two eggs, you can add one small tomato. Tea without sugar.Steak. Cucumber salad with the addition of lettuce leaves, seasoned with a spoonful of vegetable oil. Green or black tea.Fried zucchini with two sausages and tea.Half a glass of tomato juice.20.5
    ThursdayBoiled egg with sausage or sausage. Two spoons of marrow caviar and tea.Meat broth with a piece of pork. Mushrooms with sour cream and unsweetened tea.Chicken breast fried in olive oil. Salad leaves with cucumber. Unsweetened tea.A glass of milk.20
    FridayOmelet from two eggs with cheese (30 g) and sausage. Drink unsweetened tea.Some noodles with pork chop and tea.Boiled broccoli with chicken liver and sour cream. Black unsweetened tea.Cheese up to 100 grams.20
    SaturdayBoiled egg with two sausages. Three slices of cheese and tea.Chicken broth with a piece of chicken. Vegetable salad. Green tea.Baked salmon and lettuce. Tea or kefir.Up to 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese.19.5
    Sunday100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled egg with ham. Tea.A plate of low-fat borscht, coleslaw. Tea.Vegetable salad of cucumber and tomato and boiled shrimp. Tea.Avocado.19.5

    Sample menu for the second stage of the Kremlin diet

    Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinnerSnackPoints
    Monday150 gr. fat-free cottage cheese, a couple of boiled eggs. Eggs can be stuffed with mushrooms. Tea or coffee.About 300 gr. Shchi with meat and sour cream. Vegetable salad with a little oil. If desired, you can eat 100 gr. barbecue. Tea or coffee.Boiled and fried chicken breast. Cauliflower and tea.Up to 200 grams of cheese.23
    TuesdayTwo eggs and two nipples. Cabbage salad. Coffee.Chicken broth with meat. Vegetable salad with mushrooms and tea. Cutlet or kebab.Fried fish and salad. Tea without sugar.Cheese.25
    WednesdayTwo-egg fried eggs with ham and cheese. Tea or coffee.Beefsteak and vegetable soup. Vegetable salad with mushrooms. Coffee with milk.Boiled chicken with tomato.50 gr. Walnuts or apple.28
    ThursdayOmelette of four eggs with cheese and herbs. Tea without sugar.Celery soup with escalope and carrot salad.Boiled fish. Hard cheese up to 250 gr. Vegetable salad with butter. Unsweetened tea or half a glass of low-fat kefir.Peanuts up to 30 gr.thirty
    FridayHam and eggs, tea or coffee.Cabbage or beetroot salad, Fried or baked chicken. A plate of soup.Maybe two glasses of dry wine. Baked fish and lettuce.A glass of orange juice31
    SaturdayZucchini caviar and four sausages. Coffee or tea.Solyanka, baked chicken or turkey. Salad of two cucumbers. Tea.Boiled meat with tomato and a glass of yogurt.Peanuts or walnuts up to 30 gr.31
    SundayFried eggplant and three sausages. Tea or coffee.Pork chop and vegetable soup. Cabbage salad and tea.Boiled fish with tomato and cucumber. A glass of kefir. You can have tea.Olives about 15 pieces.36

    You can easily develop your own nutrition system, the main thing to remember is the principle of not exceeding the required amount of carbohydrates. There are quite a few low carb recipes out there. Dishes are very tasty, and most importantly do not harm the figure. Many of them can be served on the festive table.

    The basis of weight loss

    A table will help you use a diet, in which the amount of carbohydrates in different foods is written. The table shows the scores, which correspond to the amount of carbohydrates per 100 g of the product. The table has foods that are low in carbohydrates, but you should not abuse such foods. You should be left with a slight feeling of hunger as you leave the table, not with a feeling of heaviness in your stomach. For a week, the diet will help to lose up to 4-6 kg of excess weight.

    Carbohydrate table

    Compliance with the Kremlin diet and its features

    From the very beginning of the diet to the very end, you need to give up sugar and sweets in general. It is difficult for many people to give up sweets, and especially to drink tea without sugar. Sugar can be replaced with a sweetener (0.2 carbohydrates are useful per 100 grams). But you shouldn't use this product either. One tablet per tea will be enough. All other sweets should be discarded. The table of products shows that 100 grams of chocolate contains 50 carbohydrates, with a daily allowance of 20-40 carbohydrates. Of course, you can eat a bar of chocolate, but on this day you won’t be able to eat anything else. In addition, harmful sweets can be mono replaced with fruits.

    Carefully study the food table to create a diet that will fully satisfy your needs.

    During the diet, you need to drink plenty of water, as this helps maintain the water-salt balance in the body. On the day you need to drink from two liters of pure water.

    During the diet, constipation may occur. To avoid this problem and adjust the digestive process, you need to eat a tablespoon of bran per day.

    Note that the results are different for everyone. One person loses only 2-3 kg per week, while the other loses 7-9 kg during this time. In this case, you need to be patient.

    Newbie Dieting Mistakes

    The Kremlin diet does not tolerate hunger and the list of dishes is very extensive. Therefore, if you are used to eating little, then you need to get rid of this habit. With the Kremlin diet, you need to eat a lot and at least twice a day. And don't forget about snacks.

    You should NEVER skip breakfast if you decide to go on a Kremlin diet, otherwise the regimen will be spoiled and there will be no result.

    Many people think that in order to lose weight, you need to eliminate fats from the diet. With the Kremlin diet, fats cannot be excluded. That is why you can not count calories, but only monitor carbohydrates, which is very simple to do.

    Some people during the diet begin to actively engage in sports, but if the Kremlin diet is followed, it is enough to introduce small physical activity to keep the body in shape and to avoid sagging skin.

    It is worth stopping the Kremlin diet when the result will suit you completely, and weight loss will not occur as intensively as at the beginning. At the end of the Kremlin diet, it is important to gradually get out of it, because if you immediately start eating high-carbohydrate foods, the lost kilograms will return very quickly. It is necessary to gradually increase carbohydrate foods, and use sweets and sugar in moderation.

    Recommendations of nutritionists

    After the weight reaches the desired mark, you can slightly increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, however, you need to make sure that these are not "simple", but "complex carbohydrates" (cereals, durum wheat pasta, fruits, legumes and vegetables ).

    Nutritionists do not recommend the use of such a diet in the presence of the following diseases:

    • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    The diet is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, as well as young and old people.

    “In our time, only the lazy did not write about the Kremlin diet,” dietitian Lyudmila Denisenko comments on the question. “But among these people there is not a single doctor who would recommend this nutrition system to reduce excess weight.”

    Of course, this diet has its benefits.

    • Real weight loss. Most people manage to lose weight without limiting their consumption of meat products.
    • Pay attention to your own diet. Following this diet forces you to pay attention to what you eat and evaluate the impact of food on your health. The benefit in this case is the complete exclusion from the diet of sweets, carbonated drinks, chips, pastries and other high-calorie foods. The diet forms eating habits to which our body adapts within twenty-one days. We get used to not eating sweets and starchy foods, and this is already a big plus.

    “But the harm that the Kremlin diet does to the body is much greater,” notes Lyudmila Denisenko.
