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The fundamental characteristics of a body-unloading diet

 Maria Olegovna TARASOVA, a nutritionist-endocrinologist, head of the Moscow Medical , tells how to properly arrange fasting days .

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Pros and cons of the diet

unloading diet

Of course, this is very effective, because if all the points are correctly followed, you can lose 800 grams per day! Such a fasting week will not make you starve and will not limit the flow of useful and necessary vitamins into the body. This is undoubtedly stressful for the body, but not so extreme. After all, you will eat fully, only without the use of harmful, fatty and very high-calorie foods. With all this, food for every day will be varied! Such food during the week is able to cleanse your body. Your need for fatty and unhealthy foods will disappear, you will see that ordinary foods are no worse and you can cook many different and delicious dishes from them.

Like any diet, fasting days diet has its pros and cons. Let's start with the positives:

  • As has been repeated many times, this is a great way to cleanse your body of excess fluid and toxins, with the help of simple rules and in just a few days.
  • Unloading diet perfectly removes swelling.
  • After this unloading, you will want to eat less, because the volume of your stomach will decrease. This will happen due to the fact that the amount of food in the body will be less than usual, and at the end of 7 days your body will get used to it.
  • The body will receive much more vitamins and minerals, due to the fact that you will eat only healthy food, without preservatives and dyes.

In addition to such significant advantages, there are a number of not so much cons, but rather contraindications. There are essentially no cons to this diet, because you do not starve, do not eat chemicals, etc. There are only diseases in which this method of losing weight and cleaning all organs is prohibited:

  • Chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Intolerance to any food (individually).
  • Diabetes.
  • Gastritis, peptic ulcer.
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, you should consult your doctor).

What kind of diet is this?

Ordinary food is quite difficult to digest and, remaining from the products, the toxins slowly accumulate inside. The excretory systems work almost without interruption in order to have time to remove unnecessary compounds from the body. To give them rest, arrange the so-called cleansing of the body.

These are days on which you should eat only easily digestible food. Thanks to this practice, you can easily lose a couple of extra pounds. After all, when the body does not need to process incoming food, it completely focuses on internal cleaning.

Nevertheless, it should be understood that the essence of the unloading diet is not to lose weight. The main task is to “cleanse” the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. What is it for? Foreign accumulations interfere with the normal functioning of our body. They can serve as a variety of serious diseases. Among others, one can note such as: pneumonia, bronchitis, skin diseases, allergies and of course oncology.

However, you should not be afraid. The cleansing potential of our body is quite large. Quite enough to stop eating “heavy” food, and our internal systems will bring everything out without any problems. It's great, isn't it?

Diet Rules

As mentioned at the beginning, in order to achieve a real result, you need to follow some simple but necessary rules:

  1. Eating food during such unloading diets is necessary without some additives, such as: salt, spices, all kinds of sauces and sugar.
  2. You need to reduce the amount of calories in your daily diet. This is necessary in order to go through the process of burning fat.
  3. Foods with a lot of carbohydrates during fasting days are not your friends.
  4. At least 2 liters of clean water should be consumed per day. It is possible and even desirable to drink herbal and green teas, but always without added sugar.
  5. Eat in small portions and often, 4-5 times a day.

Diet Varieties

It was not for nothing that it was said that the fasting days diet is diverse, because it is divided into several categories (according to what nutrients you will receive with food):

Carbohydrates (sugar, fruit, rice-fruit) This type of diet is suitable for those who love fruits, all sorts of cereals, as well as lovers of dark chocolate and mushrooms will appreciate this category.

Fat unloading diets (sour cream, cream). This name does not mean that you need to eat everything insanely fatty and it will benefit you. Foods containing healthy fats include: avocados, and indeed all dark green vegetables, you can’t do without eggs, and of course, legumes.

There are also fasting diets with the predominant use of liquids (water, smoothies, juice). The highlight of all this is that you need to drink freshly squeezed juice, tea and coffee without sugar, and preferably low-fat dairy products.

Protein (curd, meat, fish). Basically, the diet of this diet is meat, but not fatty varieties, as well as some types of fish and seafood. But where are we without dairy products, because they are an excellent source of protein!

Magnesium-potassium diet (eating foods high in magnesium and potassium.). This diet is more difficult. Most fruits and vegetables contain these substances and in large quantities. They are also preserved when fruits become dried fruits. And again, cereals come to the rescue!

These are general divisions, in view of the fact that within each of these categories there are many subspecies. I will tell you about the most famous and which, according to people, were the most effective and efficient for them. But do not forget that we are all individual, and what suits one person will not necessarily suit you. Diet-fasting days, which will be presented below, are not complete, so you need to follow them no more than 1 time per month !!! So let's get started:

Unloading on apples. Everyone loves apples, so unloading the body with apples is very popular! The meaning of such a diet is that you eat a large number of apples. You can eat them in the form of puree or just fresh, but this must be done 5-6 times a day and a total of about 1.5-2 kg of apples per day comes out.

Now the season of watermelons begins, where are we without a watermelon version of the diet . Within 1-2 days we eat 300-400 g of watermelon pulp at one meal 5 times a day. As a result, we will have about 1.5-2 kg of eaten watermelon.

For those who cannot eat one product all day, there is a fasting day, consisting of only salads , it is no less effective than the previous ones! We make salads throughout the day from fresh vegetables, unprocessed, or berries and fruits, 250-300 g at a time. You need at least 5 such receptions per day. You can fill the salad with sour cream, but preferably with a low fat content or vegetable oil, but without adding salt!

For those who love cottage cheese, we have an unloading kefir diet . We use cottage cheese with a fat content of 9% or even fat-free, 70 g at a time. We do this 5 times a day. In addition, we drink 2 cups of tea, 1 cup of rosehip broth, 2 cups of low-fat kefir. It turns out, about a liter of liquid.

There are, of course, complete diets for a week. In general, there are three types of this diet for duration: for 2, 3 and 7 days. In general, it all depends on your health, how much you can eat according to the schedule, so much will be, but do not exceed the mark of 7 days.

Fasting days

Many people understand fasting days as a complete refusal to eat for a day or more.

Today it is scientifically proven that such fasting is a serious stress for the body.

A fasting day is a day when the caloric content of the diet is limited. This restriction allows you to speed up metabolic processes and, therefore, reduce or maintain weight.

You can unload on any day of the week, but not more than two days in a row, otherwise the metabolism, on the contrary, will slow down.

Without nutrients for more than 48 hours, the body switches to an economical mode of operation, and fat is deposited much faster, especially if physical activity is minimal.

If you are overweight, in order not to harm your health, you need to unload no more than twice a week.

This regimen will speed up the metabolism in the body and, as a result, achieve weight loss. I repeat, you can not completely refuse food. It is only necessary not to exceed the limit of 700-800 kilocalories per day and fats should be no more than a quarter of this amount.

This restriction gives excellent results with a rational balanced diet. This means that after a fasting day, you need to continue to eat right, several times a day, in small portions, focusing on:

  • vegetables
  • fruits
  • low fat dairy products
  • meat and fish
  • legumes
  • unrefined cereals.

Very often, unloading is used as an "ambulance" for a figure the next day after a plentiful feast. In fact, as recent studies have shown, fat is deposited only on the third day after overeating . That's when you need to go on a diet and go to the gym.

Apple and kefir are ideal for fasting days

Unloading diet menu for 3 days

The unloading diet for 2 days has already been discussed above. Next comes a fasting diet for 3 days, the proposed products should be rationally divided into 5 doses. You can also combine them as you like:

  • Day 1: Buckwheat (1 glass), boiled in water (you can’t add salt and oil), green vegetables (spinach salads, which you prefer), and water without gas.
  • Day 2: Boiled chicken (no skin), and green tea or water with lemon juice.
  • Day 3: Low-fat kefir about 1.5 liters.

Unloading diet for 3 days involves a loss of 2-3 kg.

Unloading diet for a week

1 and 4 days:

  • Breakfast around 8 o'clock: boiled egg, a glass of 0% fat yogurt, green tea, but without sugar.
  • Second breakfast, around 10 o'clock: a small amount of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Lunch around 13:00: vegetable salad, with a little vegetable oil and apple juice, always freshly squeezed.
  • Afternoon snack, about 3 hours: 150 g of non-fatty fish and a slice of rye bread.
  • Dinner about 6 hours: chicken fillet or lean meat (boil 100 g), hard cheese (50 g), low-fat kefir (200 ml).

2nd and 5th day:

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, homemade yogurt, no additives (recipe can be found on the Internet, or if you have a yogurt maker, then you don’t even have to strain)
  • Second breakfast: a glass of low-fat milk and a small piece of bread.
  • Lunch: a little light vegetable soup, vinaigrette, but naturally dietary and 100 g of lean meat, boiled without spices.
  • Snack: cottage cheese 100g with low fat content.
  • Dinner: a small portion of vegetable salad of cabbage and greens, season with a little olive oil, but this is optional, some bread and unsweetened tea.

3rd and 6th day:

  • Breakfast: a few pieces of hard cheese, a small portion of vegetable salad, some bread and green tea, no added sugar.
  • Second breakfast: a glass of yogurt.
  • Lunch: fried champignons with rice approximately 200 g, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • Lunch: Cottage cheese 150 g.
  • Dinner: vinaigrette, preferably from a diet recipe, about 200 g, a medium slice of black whole grain bread, herbal tea, but no sugar.

That's all, but don't forget to properly exit the unloading diet for a week. Do not eat high-calorie foods and do not eat in large quantities, otherwise all efforts will be in vain, but most importantly, your stomach will not be ready for this.

Reviews and results

The girls who resorted to such a diet generally responded positively to her. But there were also significant remarks about the unloading. Reviews of the unloading diet were divided into 2 categories: those who are in heaven with happiness because of the lost kilograms and those who not only did not see the result, but possibly undermined their health. What is the best unloading diet, you be the judge!

Julia, 28 years old: “The unloading diet is quite effective, but it requires preparation. It was hard to stick to regular diets, I lacked willpower, and in the end I decided to try fasting days. It turned out to be easier and it helps to put my body and appearance in order. The most important and difficult thing is to choose the type of diet, due to the fact that there are a lot of them, it is hard to understand which one is right for you. For me, the kefir version was the best, because in 2 days there were already 2 kg on the scales.”

Nastya, 20 years old: “I used a fasting diet, it’s called the “diet every other day.” For my body, it was the most suitable of all that I have tried. During the diet, I reduced the number of calories one day, and the next day I saturated the body with the necessary vitamins. It’s very convenient and in 1.5 weeks I lost 5 kilograms that I didn’t need. ”

Katerina, 27 years old: “My experience began with unloading milkweed, and it was on it that I chose it. It's very simple and quite tasty. The easiest way I used was this: I brewed regular green tea, not packaged, and added milk. It was very unusual, but at the same time delicious. But I repeated it 1 or 2 times a month.

Lena, 32 years old: “After giving birth, I recovered a lot and deciding that the buckwheat unloading diet would be the most harmless, I decided to start with it. She gave me a feeling of lightness and self-confidence. I lost only 3 kilograms, but the feeling is that there is nothing more in general!”

The benefits and harms of such a regime

The main excretory system of our body is the intestines. That is what needs to be cleaned up first. On fasting days, we practically do not load the intestines and give it the opportunity to independently remove unnecessary “waste”. In addition, among the positive effects during unloading, the following can be noted:

  • Visible swelling disappears
  • Stomach decreases in size
  • Digestion is normalized
  • Rest auxiliary excretory systems (skin, nose, mouth, etc.)

Are there negative factors?

At the moments of cleansing, general fatigue is observed. This is due to the lack of free energy. Dizziness and occasional headaches are possible. Concentration worsens, and attention weakens. Not everyone has these symptoms. It all depends on the slagging of your body.

If fasting days are transferred easily and naturally, this is a clear sign of the relative purity of your organs.
