Experts warn: "Intermittent fasting diet should not be applied every day!"
It helps to lose weight quickly by running the metabolism and losing the fat accumulated in certain parts of the body.intermittent fastingdiet is highly preferred with the warming of the weather and the approach of the summer season. Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting are very useful nutritional methods for human health, but experts state that this diet should not be applied every day. Applying this diet 2-3 days a week is beneficial for both weight control and health.
Gastroenterology Specialist Prof. said that the intermittent fasting diet, which helps to lose the fat accumulated in certain parts of the body and to lose weight quickly by running the metabolism, can be very effective in terms of both weight control and coping with some metabolic problems. Dr. Melih Özel said, "Instead of eating this way every day, an intermittent fasting diet can be applied at least 2-3 times a week in order to reduce the calorie intake in general."
Hunger activates the cells
Reminding that cells reveal evolutionarily preserved defense mechanisms during starvation periods, Gastroenterology Specialist Prof. Dr. Melih Özel said, “These mechanisms control glucose regulation, suppress inflammation and increase stress resistance. In this way, resistance pathways against oxidative and metabolic stress and the removal or repair of damaged molecules activate mechanisms.
intermittent feedingPointing out that there are also studies showing that fasting and hunger prolong life, Prof. Gastroenterology Specialist. Dr. Melih Özel said, “It is not yet known whether people can maintain intermittent feeding for many years and if they can, whether it will prolong human life. In addition, it is not clear whether these results can be directed to all age groups, as clinical studies are often conducted in groups of young or middle-aged patients. In fact, the problem lies in the total calories taken per day and whether or not to eat junk food, so to speak.”
Stating that a high protein meal taken after a "fast" of 12-14 hours for women and 14-16 hours for men, according to the selected interval, is very effective in glycemic control and burning ketone bodies during the day. Dr. Melih Özel said, “Total calories taken during the day, daily physical activity, calorie expenditure level and the content of the diet are also important. It would be more accurate to call it the first meal of the day instead of 'breakfast'.
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