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Freshly squeezed juices: popular combinations, recipes, squeezing qualities, and storage

 Hello my dear readers! We all want to be healthy and beautiful, feel good and enjoy life. To do this, you need a little - eat right, play sports and eliminate bad habits, because in many ways our well-being depends on ourselves. One of the best sources of nutrients that keep us alert is fruits and vegetables, as well as freshly squeezed juices.

Freshly squeezed juices: popular combinations, recipes, squeezing qualities, and storage

How to drink juice?

A significant part of the vitamins (and especially vitamin C) and minerals contained in juices are quickly destroyed by light, heat and oxygen, as a result of which the nutritional value of drinks decreases, their color and taste change. The longer the juice is stored, the more useful properties it loses. If in exceptional cases you have to prepare a drink in advance, be sure to add a few drops of lemon juice to it. It acts as a natural preservative and retains nutrients. Therefore, anyone who wants to get the maximum benefit from this drink should purchase a juicer and cook it on their own, and not buy a store-bought version of dubious quality.

Therefore, the first advice is that freshly squeezed juices should be drunk immediately after preparation and should not be stored for a long time.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juices

So is there any benefit to freshly squeezed juices? Yes!

  1. High content of vitamin C. Orange juice is an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds, especially in the autumn-winter period.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices from pomegranate and beet fruits are able to renew blood and increase hemoglobin.
  3. Vitamin A from freshly squeezed carrot juice will be good for both eyesight and skin! Also, do not forget that it has a lot of potassium and folic acid.
  4. Pumpkin juice is undeservedly deprived of attention. Pectin, which is contained in this vegetable, helps to lower cholesterol, and also improves blood circulation. Are you anemic and overweight? Then pay attention to freshly squeezed pumpkin juice.
  5. Add a celery stalk to freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. It is rich in vitamin K, which protects against osteoporosis. And calcium and silicon contribute to the regeneration and strengthening of damaged bones.

Freshly squeezed juices with celery are healthy

When is the best time to drink juice?

It is best to drink juices in the morning on an empty stomach or 20 minutes before breakfast. But I would like to note that if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers, you are not recommended to drink juice on an empty stomach. It is also helpful to drink juice during the day between meals on a relatively empty stomach.

The second piece of advice is never to drink juice after a meal, as it makes digestion more difficult. Opt for citrus fruits in the morning, and vegetables and herbs for soothing properties in the evening. So, juice from lettuce, apple and celery helps to normalize sleep.

Useful properties of apple juice

Benefits of apple juice.
Fresh apple products have a number of useful properties:

  • restorative;
  • metabolic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • cleansing;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-aging;
  • antitumor;
  • immunomodulatory.

The most useful is freshly squeezed juice , packaged and bottled in most cases contains preservatives and a large amount of sugar. Pasteurized products are more useful, but they are heated up to +72…+85°C, which causes the destruction of a number of valuable substances. In addition, it may contain dyes, flavors, and other additives.

It should be borne in mind that fiber and pectins are found only in unclarified juices with pulp. The peel of apples contains a lot of polyphenols (including flavonoids), so the use of unpeeled fruits increases the antioxidant activity of the finished product. At the same time, its antioxidant performance will be higher than that of citrus fruits, carrots, spinach, onions, and lettuce peppers.

For women

Improvement from taking apple juice.
Helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails. Due to the high content of iron, hematopoiesis is activated, the level of hemoglobin rises, signs of iron deficiency anemia are eliminated.

Essential oils, polyphenols and fruit sugars soothe, improve mood, eliminate depressive mood and symptoms of PMS, and antioxidants help fight age-related changes at the intracellular level.

For kids

Pediatricians warn that the introduction of this product into the diet of children under 3-6 months old can lead to malfunctions in the digestive tract, metabolic disorders, and a tendency to allergies. Proper use helps to stimulate appetite, improves the quality of food digestion, and gives a charge of vivacity.

Regular use compensates for the lack of vitamins and mineral salts, enhances brain activity, prevents the development of anemia, ensures the coordinated work of various organs, and increases the body's resistance to negative factors.


The drink is rich in natural biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the work of the hematopoietic, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. It contributes to the active saturation of tissues with oxygen, quenches thirst well, without stimulating excessive sweating, replenishes macro- and micronutrients, and promotes rapid muscle recovery after training.

With obesity

The product is low-calorie, practically does not contain fat. It should be consumed 20-30 minutes before meals. This will activate digestive enzymes and speed up metabolic reactions.

Apple juice helps speed up the metabolism.

Other beneficial effects:

  • cholesterol level decreases;
  • improves intestinal peristalsis;
  • constipation is eliminated, including chronic;
  • the formation of glycogen decreases;
  • the secretion of intestinal gases is suppressed;
  • excess fluid is removed, peripheral edema is eliminated;
  • a comprehensive cleansing of the body.

The optimal reception time is from morning to 16.00. It is better to drink homemade juice with pulp, obtained from unsweetened unpeeled fruits. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a dietary diet and avoid hypodynamia.

With oncology

Promotes the removal of radionuclides and endotoxins, inhibits excessive cell proliferation, suppresses oncogenesis, and prevents metastasis. Prolonged use stimulates the immune system's own anti-cancer activity.

For the digestive tract

It normalizes the low acidity of digestive juices, increases the motor activity of the intestine, stops inflammatory reactions, facilitates defecation, and prevents the formation of fecal stones. Suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria, eliminates the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the digestive tract.

For the liver

Stimulates the secretion of bile, prevents the development of gallstone disease. Promotes the elimination of toxic substances, reduces the load on the liver.

Benefits of drinking apple juice for kidneys.

For the kidneys

It has a moderate diuretic effect, cleanses the kidneys of sand and small stones. To do this, for several days every 2-3 hours you need to drink 1 glass of fresh juice. Before starting juice therapy, you should consult a nephrologist.

For diabetes

Sour juice has a low glycemic index (about 45), helps to reduce blood glucose levels, and slows down the process of carbohydrate breakdown. In diabetes, it can be used in doses (100 ml per day) in a diluted form.

For the cardiovascular system

It has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart muscle, prevents the fragility of blood vessels and the formation of sclerotic plaques on their walls. Due to the diuretic properties, it lowers blood pressure. Improves the state of ischemia, can be used to prevent heart attacks and hypertension.

For Alzheimer's disease

Daily use improves behavioral performance, calms and somewhat suppresses psychotic symptoms. It can slow down the progression of the disease in the initial stages of development.

How many times a day should you drink juice?

You need to start gradually, at first once a day. You should not start with overly complex compositions, but prepare with relatively simple ingredients such as apples or carrots. After a few days, you can increase the amount of ingredients in drinks and try more potent juices. As an example, we can recommend a combination of orange juice and carrots or the juice of any vegetable in its pure form with the addition of fruit juice.

The number of ingredients and the type of drink depends only on your tastes and desires - this is the third tip.

More than four glasses of juice a day is too much. It is believed that 2-3 glasses per day is a good dietary addition to the daily diet, with the exception of fasting days. During fasting or therapeutic cleansing of the body, the amount of juice drunk per day can increase to 2-4 liters (only after consulting a doctor). You need to get used to juices from raw vegetables gradually and choose the ingredients that suit your taste.


Kvass from birch sap

The classic version of birch kvass involves the presence of an oak barrel, into which 10 liters of juice are poured. 200 g of rye bread crackers are placed in a canvas bag and tied with a long cotton rope. The bag is lowered into the juice, the rope should remain outside the barrel.

For her, two days after the start of fermentation of kvass, crackers are extracted from the fermented juice. 100 ml of crushed washed and boiled oak bark, 2-3 stalks of dried dill and 300 g of dry cherries are added to the barrel. All ingredients must be washed and then dried. After 15 days, kvass should stop fermenting and be ready to eat.

How to make kvass at home

birch sap syrup

To prepare 0.5 liters of syrup, you need 20 liters of juice. Pour half the juice into the pan and let it boil. After the appearance of foam, the strength of the fire is reduced, the foam is removed. As the juice boils away, add juice to the pan and continue to cook over low heat. After each boil, it is necessary to remove the foam and reduce the heat. The liquid should evaporate, not boil. The result is a thick dark sweet mass.

Wine from birch sap

To obtain wine with the aroma of citrus fruits, you must:

  • zest of 10 lemons;
  • raisins of light grape varieties - 200 g;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • natural birch sap - 12 l.

We prepare the wort. To do this, mix 5 liters of juice with 2 kg of sugar and cook over low heat for about 60 minutes. Let the liquid cool and add the remaining ingredients to it. We transfer the closed container to a dark warm place for five days. After 5 days, sediment should form at the bottom of the pan. The liquid is separated from the sediment by passing it through a gauze filter. The drink is bottled and left for a month in a cool room with a temperature not exceeding 15 ° C to stabilize the taste.

Smoothies for weight loss and body cleansing

Birch sap: application in cosmetology

To improve the condition of dry skin, a mask is prepared based on honey - 10 g, sour cream - 15 g, birch sap - 30 g. The mask is applied to cleansed skin before going to bed. After 15 min. the mixture is washed off with warm water, and then wiped with a swab dipped in birch sap diluted by half with water.

Skin softening can be achieved by applying birch sap lotion with honey in the evenings. Juice (200 ml) is heated and 1 tsp is added to it. honey. This mixture can be used not only in the evening, but also during the day.

Juice recipes and flavor combinations

I do not indicate the number of all components, but soon, with a little practice in this matter, you will quickly learn to understand flavor combinations. As a result, from a limited set of ingredients, you can cook amazing fresh juices. For almost all juices, you can use an electric juicer, and in many cases a blender.

  1. Lemon+orange+grapefruit
  2. orange+carrot+ginger
  3. Pear + prunes
  4. Apple + beetroot
  5. Melon + honey
  6. Cucumber+celery
  7. lime+mint+cucumber
  8. Kiwi + tangerine + apple
  9. Tomato+cucumber
  10. Sweet pepper + cucumber


Cucumbers have a high water content, making them a great addition to your vegetable juice.

They are also low in calories but high in potassium, manganese, and vitamins K and C.

Including cucumbers in your diet can help you stay hydrated, which is essential for digestive health, kidney function, weight control, and physical performance.

In addition, test-tube studies show that cucumber extract may help reduce inflammation in skin cells. This makes cucumber juice a great choice after days out in the sun.


Cucumbers are rich in potassium, manganese, and vitamins K and C. They can also help you hydrate and reduce skin inflammation.

Water and ice

Many people add mineral water (with or without gas) to juices. Snee drink recipes are more suitable for hot summer weather and have 2 benefits:

  • make blender easier
  • the result is a lighter drink

Another tip: You can add a small amount of water at the end of each ingredient to extract a little more juice from the juicer.

Ice should be used in even smaller quantities than water. When it is desirable to give the drink a more spectacular look, you can add some crushed ice to it. But in general (and contrary to modern trends in the food industry), extreme taste and temperature sensations should not be abused.

If you have a problem with your teeth (for example, broken enamel), you should drink acidic juices (from lemon, orange) through a straw.

What is useful

Vitamin C, which is part of a fresh birch drink, helps the human body resist viruses and bacteria, in addition, epithelial regeneration processes take place with its participation. B vitamins support the body's strength during periods of physical and emotional overload, strengthening the nervous system and accelerating energy metabolism. The level of potassium content in birch sap allows you to normalize the work of the heart, achieve optimal oxygen supply to the brain, reduce the load on the kidneys, and prevent the appearance of edema.

How to prepare fruits and vegetables for juicing?

If you are inattentive, then poor-quality or moldy fruits can get into the juicer, which, mixed with high-quality raw materials, will spoil all the prepared juice.

Tip: you should wash and prepare all the products that will go for drinks well, and, of course, exclude all overripe or spoiled vegetables and fruits without regret.


Often eaten as a herb, parsley is an excellent vegetable for juicing.

Fresh parsley is especially rich in vitamins A, K, and C, which may contribute to its many health benefits.

In one study, administration of parsley extract to diabetic rats significantly lowered blood sugar levels and improved blood antioxidant levels compared to controls.

Another study showed that administering parsley extract to rats with drug-induced liver damage increased antioxidant status and preserved liver function.


Parsley contains vitamins K, A, and C. It has been shown in animal studies to lower blood sugar levels, improve antioxidant status, and protect liver function.

Experiment with new flavors

One of the most common mistakes that people who are just starting out with an electric juicer make is to experiment as much as possible with juices based on unusual ingredients. This is especially true for raw vegetables and herbs. You should exercise some caution and gradually get used to the new taste sensations.

So, raw potato juice is an ideal natural remedy for treating stomach ulcers, but this does not mean that everyone should try it just because of this.

The juices of some vegetables and herbs have a rich taste and richness, so all the fresh juice recipes that are collected above are aimed at slowly but effectively changing the nutrition system.

Tip: you need to act gradually - there will be more benefits.


Cabbage may not seem like a good choice for juicing, but it is a nutrient-rich and tasty ingredient that works well in juice blends.

Each serving of kale is loaded with vitamins K and C, as well as other micronutrients like folate, manganese, and vitamin B6.

It is also classified as a cruciferous vegetable and is closely related to other vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

Studies show that eating more cruciferous vegetables is associated with a lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, and inflammation.


Cabbage is rich in vitamins K and C, as well as many other nutrients. As a cruciferous vegetable, it may help protect against diabetes, heart disease, and inflammation.

How to choose vegetables and fruits for juices?

It is most useful to eat fruits and vegetables that are in season and grown in the region where you live. Thus, the time from collection to consumption is reduced to a minimum. In this case, transportation costs are reduced, and quality products are obtained at lower prices.

When buying fruits and vegetables, it is better to choose organic products.

Remember that a significant portion of the beneficial dietary fiber is found in the peel. Conventional growing methods use strong pesticides and other chemicals to protect crops from disease. Most of these components are concentrated on the surface and in the subsurface layers of the leaves and peel of plants and are not removed even with thorough washing. Therefore, it is recommended to always remove the first layer of leaves from vegetables (the greenest and richest in vitamins and minerals) and clean them.

Only with firm confidence in the biological purity of fruits and vegetables, it is better to use them for making whole drinks, which is most effective. Do not buy fruits and vegetables that have already been cut into pieces and have been lying on the street for a long time (they can be heavily contaminated).

Fruits and vegetables should be washed before being stored in the refrigerator or freezer. It is not recommended to leave them in water for a long time, as they lose some of their useful qualities. It is useful to combine juices with individual taste characteristics (sour with sweet, aromatic with tasteless, fruit with vegetables). If, as a result, the taste of the resulting drink turns out to be too sour, then you can add honey, but you should not change its original taste beyond recognition.

The juices from the spilled seeds are less known, but have very high nutritional and medicinal properties. To squeeze the juice from germinated seeds without any problems, wrap them in a lettuce leaf before putting them in the juicer.

Chemical composition

Birch natural sap is a low-calorie drink with high biological activity. 100 ml of juice contains 22-25 kcal, 5.8 g of carbohydrates, 0.1 g of proteins, the rest is water. The juice is rich in natural plant antibiotics - phytoncides. It contains organic acids, essential oils, tannins, vitamins of groups B, C, minerals, macro- and microelements such as copper, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, calcium, nickel.

Mixture of tastes

If you alternately squeeze juices from dissimilar raw materials (strawberries, melons, celery), then they can give a certain flavor to the finished drinks. It is recommended to thoroughly wash all parts of the juicer after extracting one juice and before juicing the next type of fruit or vegetable.

Tip: You can simply skip one apple through the juicer, and the juice will turn out without extraneous aftertastes.
